Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lincoln Douglas Outline Essay

Before you begin your speech briefly thank the judge and your opponent for providing the opportunity for this important debate. I. Engage With an Attention-Getter. The attention-getter is designed to intrigue the audience members and to motivate them to listen attentively for the next several minutes. There are infinite possibilities for attention-getting devices. Some of the more common devices include using a story, a surprising statistic, or a quotation. Whichever you choose, be sure that your attention-getter makes sense to the case and that it is explained. See more: argument essay format II. Provide a Resolutional Analysis. Say the precise wording of the topic so your judge knows exactly what is being debated. Explain what the resolution is asking – most require that you choose between two values (ex. â€Å"Resolved: Individuality should be valued above community†), other topics have implied values which require a little more explanation. III. Offer Definitions. Clearly define the vital words/phrases in the resolution and cite the dictionary or encyclopedia you used. Make sure the definitions you choose support what you are arguing – definitions matter – sometimes they decide who wins and loses the debate! IV. Propose a Value. A value is an ideal held by individuals, societies, or governments that serves as the highest goal to be protected/achieved. In general, the debater will establish a value which focuses the central questions of the resolution and will serve as a foundation for argumentation. Explain how the value relates to the topic. V. Offer a Criterion. You should present a criterion (a standard) which should be used to: ââ€" ªExplain how the value should be protected, respected, maximized, or achieved. ââ€" ªMeasure whether a given side or argument protects, respects, maximizes, or achieves the value. The relationship between the value and the criterion should be clearly stated. VI. Present Contention 1. Provide a â€Å"tagline† or brief title to the argument. Introduce the claim or argument you are making (ex. â€Å"Capital punishment deters crime†). Introduce your warrant – the reason your claim is true. Offer valid evidence that supports your claim (ex. â€Å"According to the Attorney General, states that have the death penalty have less violent crime†). Explain the impact of your argument on the debate. Be sure to relate your argument back to the resolution and explain how this argument helps to uphold the value (ex. â€Å"Because capital punishment decreases crime it upholds Justice, which is the most important value in today’s round†). VII. Present Contention 2. Is the claim clear? Is valid evidence offered? Is the warrant clear? (Is the piece of evidence explained, how does it apply to the resolution?) Is enough evidence offered to prove the claim? Does the case explain how this piece of evidence helps to uphold the value? VIII. Present Contention 3. Same as Contention 1 and 2 above! IX. End the Speech with a Solid Conclusion. Review the main points of the case, especially the value. Use the criterion to â€Å"weigh the case† (or prove how your arguments best support the value). Provide a final thought that refers back to the attention-getter. Ask for the win (ex. â€Å"For all these reasons I can see nothing but an affirmative ballot†).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Quick Summary Essay

Maru is definitely not likeable but then again most real life leaders are not. Leaders portrayed in literature, movies tend to be likeable because the writer wants to champion some idea using that character. In this case, I don’t think Bessie head necessarily wanted us to like Maru or feel warm fuzzies about Margaret finally ending up with Maru( and not Moleka). She was driving the point home that the reality of overcoming prejudice takes more than inviting one’s servants to the dinner table and eating from the same fork. Maru has to literally create a new society and he hand-picks those that he deems to be worthy of being citizens of such a society and also those who have characters that would make a good foundation for such a society. Those that thrive in the existing society – such as Moleka, Dikeledi – are left in the old society. He even connives to get Moleka and Dikeledi together because they are some of the best at what they do in that society. All the unsavoury characters such as all the women who were after Maru’s position, all the bigots who looked down upon Margaret, the nurses who refused to wash the body of the dead â€Å"Masarwa† women – all of them are left behind in the old society.  the missionary Margaret Cadmore eventually leaves; the goat and her kid leave the village of abuse and go and live with Margaret; the bus driver that transports Margaret into the prejudiced society places Margaret in the â€Å"good hands† of mistress Dikeledi and then he leaves with the bus; Maru is the next in line to be king but he can’t rule such a society – his dreams are bigger than their prejudices so he also leaves and he takes with him the few candidates that would be good seed for cultivating a new just society. That is also why he is constantly plagued by the fact that he can never know if his decision to take Margaret away from Moleka was the right decision. He can only let time tell which seeds will grow and which ones will not. He loves Margaret but he is never sure if his love was the greater one – the better one – the one that does not lead to the destruction of the one character that is untainted by the warped society. as sure as he is of himself and his vision, he still cannot see the picture from the point of view of universe†¦..  i. e. why are there men like Moleka, why are there men like Maru, why do even the purest of women still get attracted to men like Moleka. Remember Margaret’s first encounter with Moleka is not exactly a rosy walk in the park†¦why is there women who scheme for social position, why is it that men such as Maru have to trick women into marrying them. why are people like Dikeledi quite happy to accept the way things are even tho ugh they see the prejudices as clearly as Maru, et cetera – hence his recurring nightmare. When we are introduced to moleka, it is clear that he thrives in that society. When we are introduced to Dikeledi, it is also clear that she embraces her positions in that society – and the only men that is good enough for her is Moleka. when we are introduced to Maru, he is not liked by his servants. Margaret has troubled introduction to the world. Moleka and Dikeledi belong and thrive in the current system. Maru and Margaret do not thrive in that system. So do Maru and Margaret stick around and accept the death plots and prejudice? So, I like Maru as a character because in the end, he actually makes a stand against the whole village, he challenges Moleka to come after him if his love is really superior – alas, Moleka chooses the here and now. So, Maru is not by any means perfect but then again Moleka is not exactly a saint either. Maru chooses the future without prejudice in a new society. Moleka chooses the current society with all its flaws. i think it is a misconception to think that Bessie head meant this to be a fairy tale. This story is very close to reality. There are no happy solutions to fighting injustice, prejudice and other such vices. The overcoming of such only is attained by those who are strong enough to make tough decisions even when those decisions are unpopular. Would Moleka really have left his womanizing ways and settled for a woman who didn’t care about social status? †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦if Bessie head had ended the story with Moleka and Margaret together then it would have been a fairy tale

Monday, July 29, 2019

Modernity In Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modernity In Criminology - Essay Example These substantive and procedural reforms have converted the historical ideal of the juvenile court as a welfare agency into a quasi-penal system that provides young offenders with neither therapy nor justice. The positivists who created the juvenile court conceived of it as an informal welfare system in which judges made dispositions in the "best interests" of the child. In 1967 the Supreme Court in In re Gault granted juveniles some constitutional procedural rights in delinquency hearings and provided the impetus to modify juvenile courts' procedures, jurisdiction, and purposes. (Feld, 1999, 24-25) The ensuing procedural and substantive convergence between juvenile and criminal courts eliminated virtually all the conceptual and operational differences in strategies of social control for youths and adults. Even proponents reluctantly acknowledge that juvenile courts often fail either to save children or to reduce youth crime. In short, the contemporary juvenile court constitutes a conceptually and administratively bankrupt institution with neither a rationale nor a justification. According to Paul (2002, 69-70) social structural and cultural changes fostered both the initial creation and contemporary transformation of the juvenile court. Ideological changes in cultural conceptions of children and in strategies of social control during the nineteenth century led positivists to create the juvenile court in 1899. ... s combined new theories of criminality, such as positivism, with new ideas about childhood and adolescence to construct a social welfare alternative to criminal courts. They designed juvenile courts to respond flexibly to youths' criminal and non-criminal misconduct, to assimilate and integrate poor and immigrant children, and to expand control and supervision of young people and their families. (Tanenhaus, 2004, 111-112) The juvenile court positivists removed children from the criminal justice and corrections systems, provided them with individualized treatment in a separate system, and substituted a scientific and preventive alternative to the criminal law's punitive policies. By separating children from adults and providing a rehabilitative alternative to punishment, juvenile courts also rejected criminal law's jurisprudence and its procedural safeguards, such as juries and lawyers. Juvenile courts' flexible and discretionary strategies enabled its personnel to differentiate and discriminate between their own children and "other people's children," those of the poor and immigrants. (Duffy, 2004, 39) A century later, social structural changes have modified the cultural conceptions of young people and the strategies of social control that juvenile courts employ. These changes leave the juvenile court, as an institution, searching for a new policy foundation and legal rationale. (Kittrie, 2000, 156-157) Since Gault, social structural, demographic, and legal changes have altered dramatically juvenile courts' structure and functions, the characteristics of their clientele, and the crime and social welfare issues that they confront. The social construction of adolescence as a developmental stage distinct from adulthood and new sensibilities about children began to pose

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Violence - Research Paper Example It was a role that only become more complex following the age of American slavery, when the woman of color was not just a servant or a woman, but a sexual tool to be used at will by whichever man has current rights to her. The question of the modern age, then, can be put in terms of who has control of the woman’s sexuality, the woman or the man who ‘owns’ her. This struggle over who has control of the woman’s sexuality is one of the primary themes that runs through Alice Walker’s novel The Color Purple. As Celie develops from an oppressed black woman of the South to a liberated woman of the modern age, the elements of symbolic sexism are exposed both within the novel. Alice Walker’s novel The Color Purple (1982), investigates the black American woman’s experience of double oppression, first as a black person and then, more significantly, as a woman, elements that are present to different degrees within the film version (1985). The main character, Celie, is presented as a black woman heavily oppressed, trained early to be subservient and completely conventional in her ideas as a result. Through epistolary segments, the maturation process of Celie is revealed in letters to God until Celie can’t accept Him as a protective figure anymore and then Nettie, Celie’s sister, upon her discovery that Nettie is still alive. These letters indicate Celie’s changing ideas and strengthening resolve to reclaim her sexuality and femininity as something to be treasured and something only she should control. Influenced by the appearance of strong women within her world, such as her step-son’s wife and especially the ‘wild-woman’ Shug, Celie is able to find inner strength and value she never suspected. By the end of the novel, Walker’s Celie has become a confident, powerful and successful business woman growing old in the love of her family and defining her own boundaries. The female cha racters sympathize with the male characters to the point where women ultimately relinquish the power and strength gained by the other characters in the novel, still illustrated through the traditional symbolic sexism that places women at the mercy of, or at least still anxious to satisfy, the whims of men. Within the book, Celie’s progression occurs in an obvious progression rather than the subtle movement of the character. Celie begins the novel in poverty of spirit and opportunity. As a young black girl living on a 1930s cotton farm in the South, she is isolated from the rest of her community and immediately placed on the bottom rung of society in that she is black and she is female. This means she is oppressed by the white people as well as oppressed by the black men. At 14 years old, her mother is already worn out from life and soon dies while Celie becomes her father’s new sexual and emotional outlet, a mere object upon which he can vent. While her emotions of gui lt, shame and despair as the two children he fathers on her are taken away â€Å"to be with God† are revealed in her nearly illiterate diary, these feelings never come close to being considered by those around her. â€Å"Not only was Celie’s initiation into sexual experience in the form of rape committed by her stepfather, but

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Texas Roadhouse Wont Scrimp on Making Employees Happy Essay

Texas Roadhouse Wont Scrimp on Making Employees Happy - Essay Example However, an ideal organization in the modern day and age has the managerial information at its disposal on the effectiveness of full implementation both at strategy and at policy level (Baran, Zerres and Zerres, 2009). An illustration using the Texas Roadhouse restaurant is well descriptive of the extent that the modern firms can go to ensure that this end is achieved. Basically, two important human resource tools that have been researched on to deliver satisfactory results on employee productivity include employee commitment and motivation. In the service industry, it rolls back on the customer service giving a direct impact on the consumer loyalty and brand image. The implication of the above observation is that employee productivity in the service industry has a direct impact n the consumer satisfaction and the overall organization image projected to the market. In a competitive market as the food market is in which Texas Roadhouse deals in, consumer loyalty and satisfaction is one of the most powerful competitive weapons that an organization can boast of (Gerhart et al, 2011). By establishing a strong market presence through the consumer perception about the delivery of services across the outlets, an organization in the service industry is equipped to face any form of competition. Human resource management findings in the 21st century demonstrate the need for the management team to pay the appropriate attention that the most important resource an organization has in this age; human resource. Paying attention implies that the management invests enough resources based on the cost benefit analysis in enhancement of the employees’ team that the organization puts together. There are a number of employee motivation as well as commitment boosting approaches that the modern organization can employ. According to (Senyucel, 2009), there are three forms of motivation

A Framework for the Management of Oil Spillage Risks in Oil Dissertation - 1

A Framework for the Management of Oil Spillage Risks in Oil Exploration Programmes - Dissertation Example The aim of this paper is to develop a framework that will help the companies in order to control their oil spillage risks in oil exploration programs.  The objectives will be to investigate the nature of oil spillage risks; identify and summarize the existing understanding about oil spillage risk management; discover good practices in managing oil spillage risks and to provide a new framework that summarizes the findings and can be used further for managing oil spillage risks. Besides this, the paper has also focused on different methods used to manage the risk of oil spillage.  The oil industry is concerned with a long history of spills on the North Slope and the probability of future spills is high. Indeed, there has been an oil spillage once a day, on average, from the time when gas and oil development began on the North Slope. In order to make the subject worse, ocean currents move the chemicals and oil hundreds of miles. Further, in the Arctic Ocean, cleaning up oil spills w ould lead to enormous challenges. Suppression and recovery at sea hardly ever leads to the removal of more than a comparatively small fraction of a large oil spill, i.e. only 10-15% and often significantly less. Till date, no technology subsists in order to clean up oil in the sea ice circumstances and late-season spills would stay behind until the following year.  Oil spillage refers to an unintentional release of oil in a water body due to human activity and is regarded as form of pollution.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Biological Basis of Morality (Animals) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biological Basis of Morality (Animals) - Essay Example Animals in circuses can, through programmed behavior, produce incredible performances due to constant practice and strict regimen. These aspects have been discussed in detail in the article through which a reader becomes able to clearly understand the author’s perspective. In general, animals mainly cater to their biological needs like food, sleep, urge for procreation and fear. These are the four factors that the animals share with humans but when one considers the intellectual aspects animals are not bestowed with this faculty. Thus whatever they do depends on their biological needs as emerging from the article, without having an influence from psychological or philosophical needs as opposed to humans. It can be seen that animals do certain activity as discussed below which is common to humans; but how they do it is different because while all acts of animals stem from their biological structure, humans are also motivated and guided by their intellect. I will illustrate below how the arguments in the article are supported from examining the acts common to humans and animals, and how they differ in the context of morality in both groups: - Both animals and humans have to work for satisfying their hunger. While animals hunt for food, human beings work to earn their livelihood. The biological urges in animals force them to kill weaker animals and birds to satisfy their hunger. Therefore, it can be stated that the biological structure is what makes them do this activity. Humans, on the other hand, do not kill out of a biological need to satisfy hunger; if at all a human being kills, it is after a lot of meditation, for a specific purpose and not necessarily to quell his hunger. Sleep is essential for all living beings. It is during this period that they recharge their mental and physical capacities to prepare themselves for work to be performed during the next day. A human

Thursday, July 25, 2019

As Time Goes By Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

As Time Goes By - Movie Review Example In a scene at Rick's Cafà © Amà ©ricain, Ilsa asks Sam to play the song ‘As Time Goes By’ on the piano and Sam replies that he is a little rusty on the air but when Ilsa insists, and she hums the song for him, Sam plays the song. Ilsa then further insists that Sam sing the song, and he does. As Sam plays the tune, Ilsa is in a moony state as if the song brings up some memories (Langkjà ¦r). Shortly Rick walks into the Cafà © and scolds Sam for playing the song, but when he sees Ilsa the two look at each other for a while as the song continues to play in the background. It then becomes quite clear to the viewer, that this song is not just another soundtrack, but a tune that emphasized the love affair between Rick and Ilsa. From this moment on the song ‘As Time Goes By’, becomes part of the functional soundtrack music of the movie. The song on its own told the story of love when it played out again in the flashback sequence in Paris when Rick is in blue me mories, and every time Ilsa and Rick were together. The song ‘As Time Goes By’ became a natural hummable tune that left a lasting memory on the viewer(s) and reminded them of the striking romance between the two lovers in the movie Casablanca. In the movie, we see the theme of valor when Lazlo seeks to obtain the letters of transit from Rick even when he is aware that Major Strasser came to Casablanca to ensure that he does not succeed. On the other hand, we see the theme of sacrifice when Rick lets go of Ilsa, the love of his life and urges her to go with her husband Victor.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cross cultural management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cross cultural management - Essay Example Studies of the ancient china are useful in the understanding of the leadership models in modern china. Research on Chinese leadership is accredited to a scholar known as Misumi, who was Japanese. According to his research, he categorized Chinese leadership into two major classifications notably the model of performance and the maintenance. Maintenance factor is the step taken towards improvement of the human labour force. An interesting close examination of the leadership style adopted in China reveals that leadership characteristics are spread along the organizations with close similarity. For example, according to Mobley, Wang and Li, the survey conducted on state owned enterprises and the private owned enterprises shows that the managers are more sensitive to the environment, are less authoritarian, and encourage a lot of moral behaviors. In particular, the traditional cultural values have more often shaped the styles of leadership and mode of management in china. According to Bod en, leadership in china originates from various qualities as compared to other nations; leaders are created on the basis of knowledge and attitude. The advantage that the ruler has is that the Chinese are very loyal to their leaders and are always ready to take up the responsibility whenever a need arises. The current leaders in china are more linked to the olden traditional rulers because they share certain traditional similarities. According to Boden (2008), these values are Confucian approach, legalistic approach, naturalistic approach, as well as the strategic approach. The Confucian approach, which is also known as the humanistic leadership requires a leader to have moral character and proper conduct. He is also expected to be a lifelong learner. The legalistic approach demands that a leader undergoes punishment whenever he goes wrong; it articulates for stricter codes of conduct. This leader is also expected to have the skills of attracting skilled and knowledgeable followers, rather than them having to display their skills. In this case, the leader is expected to be wise, and at all times, avoid getting into trouble. The delegated duties should be accompanied by rewards if a worker performs well. China is a unique nation with a different cultural setup compared to other nations in the West; this has led to its unique ways of leadership styles that do not conform so much to those of the Western countries. The methods of leadership practiced in other nations have to be greatly modified if they are to fit the nation of China and the vice versa. Gallo points out that â€Å"in fact many of them will never work well here† (2011, p. 5), meaning in China. There are cultural differences that exist between China and the countries from the west. There is also difference in which expectations are laid between the workers and the leaders. Another contributing factor to these differences in leadership styles are the societal values that do vary; some of the values from other nations that may be seen as good can be perceived differently in China. Challenges of leadership are complicated and harder especially when members of an organization come from different cultural setups from that of their leader. The naturalistic appr

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Design Thinking Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Design Thinking - Thesis Example But the designer bubble burst during the 50s and 60s when designers began to be looked upon as tools of capitalist society till they redefined their role in the 70s as developers of culture and lifestyle. Today: "The word "design" has a lot of different meanings when people think of design they think of an artefact that's been designed well such as a chair, a car or a building. Or they thin1k of design as style or fashionThe term "design thinking" has gained popularity because it makes it easier for those outside the design industry to focus the idea of design as a way of thinking about solving problems, a way of creating strategy by experiencing it rather than keeping it an intellectual exercise, and a way of creating and capturing value"2 Design consultant Linda Naiman states that, "The revolution taking place in design - as it emerges from its traditional role of serving commerce - to a role of leading, shaping and directing the way we live and work, presents tremendous opportunities" For the purpose of this paper we will focus on the definition, "Design is the thought process comprising the creation of an entity," Archer too saw design as a complex and shared rational logical sequential activity that would solve problems and bring innovation and change. Today designing is a skill required by architects, fashion designers, urban architects, products and industrial design, engineers, landscape designers, the automobile industry and interior decorators. But the culture of design has been with us from the stone age when man first began to create tools to shape and control his environment but these primary inventions happened in a disorganized and an unplanned way. Designer thinking today by contrast blends aesthetics as well as ergonomics to improve our lifestyle and develop culture. The great architect and designer Charles Eames, Lawson states, " the culture of design was greater then the creation of a new chair. It was part of a much bigger socio-cultural process of 'adding valuethrough an injection of creative individualism that distinguished designer goods' frommass production." 3 And so Nike and Yves Sainte Loraine were born as virtual personality cults of Design Culture.2 Since designers redefined their role as the developers of culture they had a wide scope since, "culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society it encompassesart literature, lifestylesvalue systems traditions and beliefs." 43Today from being just architects or product refiners and innovators, designers are the definers of good taste, better lifestyles and efficiency in diverse fields, all of which embrace the designer culture that was vigorously promoted by advertising companies as a key international marketing strategy in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Shakespeare and His Tyrants Essay Example for Free

Shakespeare and His Tyrants Essay Do you know who any of these people are? Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Muammar al-Gaddafi or Osama Bin Laden? These men used their authority who exercised power oppressively or despotically. They are defined as tyrants. But even during William Shakespeare’s time there were similar men who terrorised countries. Shakespeare portrays tyrants so that they will always suffer the consequences for their terrible deeds. The most famous of his tyrants are Richard III and Macbeth. In his tragedy Macbeth the main character Macbeth was once a thane (a low-ranking nobleman) and a hero but a prophecy creates a powerful ambition within him for power which leads him to follow a dark path. He ascends the throne by murdering the king and also killed anyone who threatened to take him off the throne. His impending doom loomed over him when a man named Macduff fought Macbeth to avenge the death of his loved ones (who were killed under Macbeth’s order). Macbeth was beheaded in the fight. He was a doomed man at the start. He was prophesised to die at the hands of another man and this shows that tyrants will always suffer in the end. In popular culture tyrants similar to Macbeth are portrayed in remakes of plays, films and video games. A tyrant who was similar is Ulfric Stormcloak from Bethesda Game Studio’s game Skyrim. Ulfric Stormcloak was a Jarl (a chieftain) of the former capital of Skyrim. After learning ancient powers, he abused the knowledge by murdering the High King to take the throne. A war is waged to stop Ulfric. In the end Ulfric Stormcloak is beheaded in a siege on his fortress. This is very similar to Macbeth’s story because both of them are misled by their ambition for power which supports that Shakespeare has influenced the tyrants of popular culture. Richard III in the play of the same name is depicted as being deformed, self-absorbed and wanting nothing more than to gain power. His split personality developed his character. However his undoing and death occurred during a final duel with Richmond (later known as Henry VII of England) at the Battle of Bosworth Field. A tyrant comparable to Richard III is Queen Clementianna in the Snow White remake â€Å"Mirror Mirror†. The Queen is a very beautiful woman but she was narcissistic and cruel to her people. She believed that she was the rightful ruler of the land and orders the murder of Snow White (her step-daughter) which ultimately fails. The Queen talks in her spare time with her own mind (which is the mirror) except it is a much more wiser and younger version of herself. In the end she is foiled by Snow White and suffers her consequences for using dark powers against the King. She is transformed into a witch-like figure and Snow White rescues her long-lost father. Both of these tyrannical people are alike as they are both self-absorbed and deformed in many ways. They never have their happily ever after ending, lose their titles and are hushed away or killed (in Richard III’s case). This shows that tyrants always pay for their crimes. Unfortunately a small number of tyrants never suffer for the atrocious acts that they commit. This is outrageous as the wicked and selfish men and women of our society should suffer for their crimes. Shakespeare’s influence ranges from many popular topics such as love and violence but his portrayal of tyrants is cunningly similar to those of modern day culture. Would he have known that his view on tyrants was never going to change throughout the course of history? Who knows? But we will always know that tyrants were similar in both eras. Being a tyrant will lead to their own demise.

Samsung Electronics Marketing Essay Example for Free

Samsung Electronics Marketing Essay SAMSUNG MOBILE Samsung Electronics (Mobile Division) operates in one of the most competitive markets of the world. According to the US Federal Communication Commission 67 new Smartphone devices are introduced every year. Samsung traditionally had a conservative image that focused on low-price products for the lower end of the market. With low prices it was able to compete in the lower-market whereas in the upper market it had lesser penetration. To penetrate the upper-market Samsung had to give up their lower-market position and focus on innovation and perceiving a higher brand value. SEGMENTATION GEOGRAPHIC It has Samsung Guru Segment for rural areas as well as Galaxy segment for urban areas. Samsung is one of the largest manufacturers of mobile phones and it shares the highest cell phone customers with Nokia in India. It has something for everyone. Urban: Targeting urban youth with many handsets. Built in mobile features like 3G, wifi, GPS different operating systems. Price range RS 1000 and above. Rural: It has a better brand image in rural market. Samsung recently tied up with the Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative. (IFFCO0 for rural telephony. Special applications for rural market. Hinglish Messaging. Price range 1000-5000 DEMOGRAPHIC Age: 15-21 21-35 35-60 60 and above Price Rs 1000-10000 1000-20000 1000-35000 1000-10000 53 Handsets 68 Handsets 72 Handsets 53 Handsets Family Size: 1-2, 3-4, 5+ members Gender: Males All categories except Samsung Pink Phones. Females Specially designed Samsung Pink Phones e.g Samsung B3310 pink, F48o Tocco pink, J700 pink, U900 Soul pink, L770 pink, U600 pink, G600 pink and F480 Tocco. Social class: Middle class (Youth), Upper class (businessman) Lower class (workers) PSYCHOGRAPHIC Samsung came with some so fancy mobile phones specially for girls and cheaper touch screen stylish phones so that everyone can enjoy touch screen The rate of normal mobiles. Samsung has its range of mobile phones start from 1200to 32,000+. Value offers various operating systems like Android, Windows Mobile for customers to choose for. -excellent after sales service having service centers in all over India. functions rich phones atlow price, e.g Samsung GT- 3213 -Samsung App store Conscious Samsung has good mouth publicity High Techno Savvy Samsung provides latest technologies for it’s high techno savvy customers. Low techno Savvy Samsung provides various mobiles for low techno savvy customers like essential phones. BEHAVIORAL HOW LOYAL?: Good brand image form other electronic products. Value for Money Product Many service centers across India. SOCIO-ECONOMIC Low Income Middle Income Higher Income Price 1000 – 5000 Price 5000 – 15000 Price 15000 – 35000 35 Products 48 Products 11 Products TARGETING After segmenting the market based on the different groups and classes, the targets need to be chosen. Samsung mobiles have the following target customers: Trendy young people. Professionals. Large businesses. The common cellular phone users. Organizations such as: services to public safety, the government, and both utility and manufacturing enterprises. Institutional sales for colleges. Target is not only number driven but also about acquiring and retaining customers. POSITIONING Positioning is about the customer perception about the brand as being different from the other brands on specific dimension including product attributes. The strategies adopted by Samsung to position itself in the  Mobile Phone market are as follows: It focuses more on the real margin which comes from mid-to-high-end segments Samsung Concept Store Market making category creation in small towns Wider Care Network Access to Samsung care line Pioneering in the 3G segment of mobile phones. Branded itself as a synonym for quality. Created a Unique Brand Image for itself as a high end value driven brand.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Policy Changes for Working and Single Parents

Policy Changes for Working and Single Parents Compare the way that successive governments have responded to the needs of working parents. Introduction This paper aims to compare the way that successive governments have responded to the needs of working parents. There will be a particular focus on women as working parents, particularly as there has been a focus over the last twenty years on women as single parents and their over-reliance on state benefits. The paper will begin with reference to the post-war welfare state and then move on to how both Conservative and Labour Government’s in recent years, have dealt with the issue of working parents’ needs. The Welfare State In 1942 Earnest Beveridge was concerned to combat the evils of poverty, disease and ignorance and he based his seminal report on this analysis. When the welfare state was set up one of its primary objectives was to support families by providing a range of services that would benefit families with children along with other services such as healthcare, education and housing. However, over time traditional concepts of the family with a male breadwinner, a stay at home wife and their children have changed. An ever increasing number of lone parent families has been problematic for governments during the last two decades. Lone parent families are almost always headed by a woman who has to combine childcare with work. This inevitably results in financial problems and means that lone parent families are among the poorest in the country (Moore, 2002). With lone parent families, and more married women going out to work because they are unable to manage on a single wage, there has been an increased need for a range of childcare services. The welfare state relies on the family because it provides the foundation for the provision of heal th and welfare services which is why most British social policy is based on the idea of the normal family. It was this notion that prompted Margaret Thatcher’s Government to call themselves the party of the family. This was a government where the New Right Approach to policy making became very influential. The only time that government should interfere in the corporate sector (that of the employers) was if one company had a monopoly and could control prices and access to goods. This belief in a free market economy soon became evident in Government policy making and was introduced into the health and education sectors. Privatisation was the order of the day. This was a Government which maintained that people had no automatic right to welfare. It was not the business of the state to look after you, rather people needed to learn to be responsible for their own care and their own future (Giddens, 2001). The conservatives made a distinction between those people who deserved help, people with physical or learning disabilities for example, and those who were not deserving, for example the young unemployed. These people, the Government believed were not entitled to any welfare provision. It was believed that the more the state helped some people the more they would not take responsibility and help themselves, Britain, they believed was becoming a dependency culture. Only those who were really in need should receive support and free healthcare and the rest should have to pay for it. Thus the Conservatives used means testing in an attempt to determine who was entitled to welfare and who wasn’t. Feminism and the Welfare State Feminists recognize that the welfare state has participated in advancing the cause of women’s emancipation. At the same time they recognize that the benefits paid fo lone mothers makes it difficult for them to leave violent or unsatisfactory relationships. The state tends to confine women to traditional relationships (maybe unintentionally) and to ‘women’s’ employment roles such as nursing or teaching (Moore, 2002). Feminists start from the position that men have more power in society than do women, however not all feminists are agreed in their approaches to the family and the welfare state. Thus many feminists have an ambivalent view of the welfare state and its relationship to women. Over the past twenty years feminists have written about, and critiqued, what they argue is the gendered nature of the welfare state and of Government policy making (Blackburn, 1995).[1] Blackburn (ibid) maintains that there has been a lot of important work which has challenged the ideologies that lay behind the 1942 Beveridge Report. Socialist feminists in particular were critical of the fact that women’s contribution to the war effort had been ignored. She maintains however, that rather than the Beveridge Report aiming to repress women, it was more a question of having to be mindful of the market forces in operation at that time. Pascall (1986) maintains that the underlying assumptions of the Beveridge Report were that married women would stay at home and be supported by their partners. There was no prediction of the vast number of married women who would enter the work place in the years following the Second World War. Pascall further maintains that this attitude has meant r esistant to reform and Britain tends to modify Beveridge’s findings rather than adhere to European rulings on equal opportunities. Pascall asserts that there is a need to put women in a picture that has been largely drawn by men (1986,p.6)[2]. Ideas centred on a man being able to earn enough to support a family benefited the capitalist economy and the working man at the expense of women (Barratt and Mackintosh, 1980). These writers further maintain that government policy making is still centred on the idea of a family wage. This notion is embedded in British society and has been a major reason for women’s continuing inequality with men. The idea that a man was entitled to earn a family wage but women were not has meant that women have, (and still do in a number of areas) earn less than men. Furthermore, the low pay which accompanies what is often termed ‘women’s work’ means that women’s choices are restricted and their economic powers within marriage have been reduced. Women and Policy Changes Women have been struggling to achieve equal status with men in the labour market since the late 1960s. Women’s efforts in this area saw the introduction of the Equal Pay Act in 1970. This said that women were entitled to the same pay as men if they were doing the same job. It became illegal under the Sex Discrimination Act of 1975 to discriminate against women in education, in employment, and in the provision of goods. These changes did not satisfy the European Court, which demanded a strengthening of Britain’s Equal Pay Act in 1982. There was a further amendment in 1984 which allowed that women were entitled to the same pay as men in their organizations. This rested on women being able to prove that their work involved the same kinds of decision making and skills as those carried out by men. It also meant that they should have equal access and an equal chance for promotion to that of men. Until the late 1980s girls were less likely than boys to achieve the requisite number of A levels to enter university. In recent years there have been concerns about the growing underachievement of boys compared to girls. Girls are matching or exceeding boys across the curriculum and thus there are more women entering higher education. This does not, however, give them much advantage in the job market where they are disadvantaged in comparison with males who have the same qualification levels ( Epstein, et al, 1998). Moore (2002), however, maintains that things are changing, men have more domestic responsibility than they did 20 years ago and also a much greater involvement with their children than in the past. The government has recognized this through their introduction of parental leave. In the past only mothers were entitled to such leave. Parental leaves means that both parents can take legitimate time off, but in many cases men’s leave is unpaid and so often not taken. Women in the Workplace Census figures for 1991 tend to suggest that at the time, the workforce was 47% women. Needless to say there were regional and ethnic variations and single women were more likely to be in paid work than married women. (Abbott and Tyler, 1995). maintain that this is due to the fact that women’s participation in the labour market is affected by their domestic responsibilities.Women spend time out of the labour market when they have young children and then may work part time while children are at school. Many women do not return to full employment until their children are older. There growing number of women in the workplace has resulted in more flexibility in working arrangements to accommodate that. Crompton (1997) maintains that much of this springs from the increase in the number of part-time jobs available. Millar (1993) states that flexible working may look encouraging in terms of women’s visibility in paid work, but it also means that there are more women living in poverty than ever before. Most of these women are part-time and flexible workers. The only interest such flexibility serves is that of the employer because there is a need to be more competitive and to reduce labour costs while at the same time expecting greater worker productivity (Giddens,2001). The introduction, in the 1970s, of family credit was a move to encourage more people to go back to work. Those with low paying jobs would receive payments from the state through family credit. Critics of this policy argued that although it did provide low income families with some extra money it provided no incentive for low paying employers to increase wages. Changing Policy: The Third Way New Labour came into power in 1997. They offered a ‘third way’ approach. It is really an updated model of the original welfare state with new right influences. One of its concepts is o rely on the importance of successful businesses to bring in the wealth for the rest of society and to increase employment levels. It also argues for an end to discrimination based on gender roles and on race, despite this it is still a party that holds to the concept of the traditional family. The present government promotes a more integrated approach to policy making thus the number of areas having an effect on benefits has been increased. Benefits are no longer the sole preserve of the Department for Work and Pensions, the Inland Revenue and the treasury have also become important providers with tax credit schemes being used to offer an alternative method of social protection. Family Credit was replaced by Working Families’ Tax Credits and Children’s Tax Credits in April 2001. These were meant to guarantee families a minimum weekly income.[3] New Labour have increased maternity grants, promised greater help with childcare, and believe that these methods will help bring British families out of the poverty trap (Moore, 2002). Despite these policy changes there are a number of disadvantages that parents, and particularly women, face when it comes to paid work. While some jobs are seen as offering more flexibility working part-time, Crompton (1997) argues that this can also put women at a disadvantage as it is generally lower paid, has less job security and less opportunity for promotion. Although child care arrangements do have an effect on women’s working patterns, lack of proper child care is not the only reason women do not participate more fully in the workplace. For example, while the number of women in work has continued to rise only a third of single mothers with young children are economically active (HMSO, 1999). Despite Government initiatives such as Sure Start Centres, most lone mothers may not have sufficient extra support to return to the workplace, or they may only be offered low paid work which may leave them worse off than they were on benefits. Moore (2002), however, maintains that although women have been discriminated against in policy making, things are changing, men have more domestic responsibility than they did 20 years ago and also a much greater involvement with their children than in the past. The government has recognized this through their introduction of parental leave. In the past only mothers were entitled to such leave. Parental leaves means that both parents can take legitimate time off, but in many cases men’s leave is unpaid and so often not taken. Having said this, according to the Guardian (15/12/1999) 50% of people said that the introduction of parental leave would increase their loyalty to their employers, There has been some redistribution of resources under Labour but their policies still have a lot of drawbacks. Job creation schemes have not really helped the situation and families in receipt of working tax credits can end up worse off than they were when they were unemployed. Changes in thei r hours and mistakes made by those who pay these credits has caused an uproar in the media and financial problems for many families as their money is stopped without any reason being given or any notice. Therefore such policies can be double-edged. Conclusion This paper has attempted to give some idea of the policies that relate to working parents and their children. The New Right approach was to bring in means testing and family credit and basically assume that people’s families should help them out. As such the Conservative Government of the 1980s and ‘90s did little to address the needs of working parents. New Labour on the other hand has specifically target policies at the family but some of their policy making has a double edge. Critics regard New Labour’s efforts at change as an indistinct set of policies that harks back to old labour but swings to the right in its ideology. The introduction of working family tax credit has been a double edged sword with a huge amount of overpayments. Although New Labour has attempted to introduce more and better childcare, what there is, is still insufficient and exorbitantly expensive. It might therefore be concluded that successive Governments tend to hold on to outdated notions of the family and of welfare and that these work against the interests of working families. Bibliography Abbott and Wallace, 1997 An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspectives. London, Routledge Abbott and Tyler 1995 Ethnic variation in the female labour force: a research note†in British Journal of Sociology 46 pp 330-353 Allan, Graham and Crow, Graham 2001 Families, Households and Society: Basingstoke: Palgrave Barrett and Mcintosh 1980 â€Å"The family wage: Some problems for socialists and Feminists† Capitlalism and Class 11 pp51-72 Blackburn, S. 1995 â€Å"How useful are feminist theories of the welfare state† Women’s History Review 4 (3) p.369-394 Epstein et al 1998 Failing boys: Issues in Gender and Achievement Buckingham, OUP Giddens, A. 2001 4th edition. Sociology. Cambridge, Polity Press. HMSO 1999 Social Trends 29 London, HMSO Moore, S 2002 Social Welfare Alive (3rd ed) Cheltenham, Nelson Thorne Pascall, G. 1986 Social Policy: A Feminist Analysis London, Tavistock 1 Footnotes [1] Blackburn, S. 1995 â€Å"How useful are feminist theories of the welfare state† Women’s History Review 4 (3) p.369-394 [2] Pascall, G. 1986 Social Policy: A Feminist Analysis London, Tavistock [3]

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Internet Predators Essay -- Internet Predation

Internet Predators In recent years, the Internet has become the number one choice for doing research. A person can find information on just about anything. There are websites devoted to cooking recipes, musicians, schools, and pornography. Many schools will even allow students to apply for admission over the Internet. Schools such as California State University, Northridge give students an option to register for classes through the school website, making it quick and easy to get classes. The Internet is truly the "information superhighway." Not everyone who accesses the Internet uses it for research. Many people, especially young people use the Internet for e-mail and chatting. Chat rooms and instant messengers are becoming more prevalent on the Internet. Internet service providers such as America Online (AOL) have chat rooms where people from all over the world can chat about almost anything. AOL has chat rooms for teens, singles, religious groups, sports, and many other topics. If a person in a chat room likes what someone else in the chat room is saying, he or she can send a private message. If the two people get along, they can add each other to their buddy list so they can always talk when both are online. However, a problem may arise if a person does not use this way of chatting responsibly. After all, does anyone really know whom they are talking to unless they know the person personally? Common sense must be used at all times. The Internet can be very deceptive. A person needs to use extreme caution when giving out personal information to a person they are chatting to. Many people forget about the dangers of Internet chat. People can be too trusting. The people who use chat rooms and instant messengers sometimes... ...rsonal Interview. Pennsylvania. 26 April 2002. Dean, Katie. "The Epidemic of Cyberstalking." Wired News. May 1, 2000.,1283,35728,00.html (April 24, 2002). Hartman, Rachel R. "Cyberstalking and Internet Safety FAQ.",1283,35728,00.htm (April 24, 2002). Magid, Lawrence J. "Teen Safety on the Information Highway." (April 24, 2002). Talton, Trista. "Internet Predators Subject of Meeting." Wilmington Star. August 23, 2001. (April 24, 2002). Tarbox, Katie. Oprah. Television Program. ABC, Chicago. 17 April 2002. Turkle, Sherry. "Who Am We?" Presence of Others. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Rusziewicz. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2000. 442-458.

Friday, July 19, 2019

What is Courage? Essay -- Definition Courage Corageous Essays

What is Courage? What is courage? Is it the ability to prove yourself in war? Or the strength it takes to decide you will not fight? Is courage being yourself when you’re different from everyone else? Is it doing something that even your own father thinks you can’t do? Is courage synonymous with honor? Is it speaking up, even if doing so puts you in danger? Risking death for the person most precious to you? Or risking death for strangers? Is courage facing your fears, no matter how big or small they might be? Is it forging forward into a new life when you still miss the old one? Is courage all of these things? None of them? The following text set is designed to help ninth grade students create and examine their own definitions of courage. In addition to asking, â€Å"What is courage?† it also lends itself to the question, â€Å"Where do our conceptions of courage come from?† Courage is the focus of this text set because it is a theme that is prevalent in American society. To be courageous is considered a positive quality, but the examples of courage most often seen in the news and in history books are often narrowly defined. Students need to think more deeply about what courage really is, and to get inside the minds of so-called â€Å"courageous† people and learn about their motivations and their fears. Students will be asked to consider a wide variety of characters and situations, all of them potentially courageous, but more in depth focus will be placed on three specific categories. The first is courage during war or revolution, beyond the stereotypical portrayal of th e one-dimensional â€Å"war hero.† The second is the courage to be different from your peers or to voice your opinion even if it’s not a popular one. T... ...are designed to help them with this difficult task. By reading and thinking about a variety of possibilities of what courage is, students can both expand and come to a better understanding of their own beliefs on the subject. Through class discussions and writing activities, they can also share these beliefs with others. Works Cited Brozo, William G. and Ronald V. Schmelzer. â€Å"Wildmen, warriors, and lovers: Reaching boys through archetypal literature.† Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 41 (1997): 4-12). Feinberg, Barbara. â€Å"Reflections on the ‘Problem Novel.’† American Educator Winter 2004-2005. 13 Apr. 2005. . Wolf, Shelby A. Interpreting Literature with Children. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers: 2004.

Mt. Ashland Ski Area Expansion Essay -- Environmental Issues

It’s a sunny October afternoon and I’m listening to the breeze gently rustle the tree tops above me. I look down into the creek as I sit here munching on some cashews, and I see trout gliding effortlessly through the crystal-clear water. I revel in how incredibly lush the area is†¦although it’s been a dry summer the ground is still moist, plants are bright and colorful, and wildlife is abound. After I finish my snack and tuck my trash away into my backpack, I continue my hike up this parcel of land that may soon become barren with towers of steel and wire draping the landscape†¦that’s if the Mt. Ashland Association (MAA), a non-profit organization that operates the Mt. Ashland ski area, gets their way. The MAA is looking to start a planned expansion of the area in late 2012. They plan to clear cut 70+ acres of old growth to pave way for more advanced slopes and a sparkly-new lodge. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ski area expansions are the most ecological damaging task that an area can undertake. In a plan revision for the White River National Forest in Colorado, regarding the Copper Mountain Ski Resort expansion, the EPA hammers that point home when they say that â€Å"†¦no other land management prescription on the Forest directly results in more stream-water depletion, wetland impacts, air pollution, permanent vegetation change, or permanent habitat loss†¦ more wetland impacts and stream depletions resulted from ski area expansion and improvement than from all other Forest management activities combined, including many direct and indirect impacts that are permanent (irreversible and irretrievable).† Meanwhile, skier numbers nationally have only increased just two percent since 1978 says, (source). Whic... ...'D' On Environmental Scorecard." Ashland Daily Tidings [Ashland, OR], 26 Nov. 2008, n. pag. Web. 23 Feb. 2012. "Saving the Pacific Fisher." Center for Biological Diversity. Center for Biological Diversity., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Tenmile Recreation Path Environmental Assessment. [Summit County, Colorado.:] U.S. Forest Service, Dillion Ranger District [2011] Web. 24 Feb. 2012. Wright, Bruce. "A Question of Balance." Ashland Resource Center [Ashland, OR], 7 Sept. 2011, n. pag. Web. 24 Feb. 2012.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Motivational Essay

Motivational Essay What is â€Å"Motivation†? Motivation means the desire to do something, or having interest or drive. People need motivation to do things that they have no interest or drive to do. For me as an example, I need motivation to get up early every morning, to go to school, or even going to the gym. I used to have problems doing things because I never had any motivation to do anything, No friends to be there when I needed them. They we’re always busy.So I had to figure out something. I searched many ways to bring my life to order, Some of them worked in the short run, but nothing truly fulfilled the requirement of life peace. A few months ago this all began to change. I started a daily workout schedule; I have been going to the gym 4 to 5 times a week , I’ve been going for almost a year. I started a healthy diet, I don’t eat out as much as I used to. I used to eat McDonald’s, Burger king , Carl’s Jr. very day . Now all my food is home cooked, and I quit smoking cigarettes because I have asthma and also did it, to better my health, and to this day it has brought stability to my personal life as well as my social life . I also decided to change up my studying habits in which it helped me motivate myself. Developing better study habits will help me with my course of study because it will better prepare me for any assignments or exams that are given in the future.In the past, and even sometimes now I have had a frequent problem of procrastination, and because of this I lack both rest and preparation to either finish my homework or do well on my tests. Beginning either my studies or assignments early on will help me drastically because dividing the workload within several days will help me retain information more effectively, as compared to all in one night. In conclusion of it all, I figured out my balance to life. I overcame my motivational barrier and prove to everyone that only I can, (as my own personal sour ce) be the only one to change my life up and change for the better.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Descriptive Essay

College Writing 2 October 2012 descriptive quiz A weight-lift dickens-door political machine re innovateiness zero(prenominal) mean a bevy to around genius, further to me, unraveling and change my machine is my favored involvement to do. When I am non in fount my field or abatement refund disc entirely eerywhere with my booster rockets, youll be authencetic to find me working or change my machine. For ab a font pot, leaving their elevator political machine depot is passable for their needs, provided to me its non. My automobile is modified which accommodates it unrivaled of a kind. My railroad gondola political machine consists of its exterior, internal, and mathematical process level.The exterior discolor of my automobile, which is a 2005 Nissan 350z, is c either(prenominal)ed Silvers life. Silvers odour is the factory varicoloured color. Silverstvirtuoso is a fantasm of grayish that, this gray isnt sightly your average gray its a devil t wholeness style gray that reflects its color t peer slight the divers(prenominal) ship tail assemblyal the barge touchs it. For example, on a temperatenessny placementreal day, the top half of the railway gondola bequeath be a light gray, where as the top volition be a mystifying, dark, glossy gray. Like I cite earlier, my machine is heavy visu t break by ensembley modified.I claim painted the wheels disgraceful, painted the previous bottom section of the grammatical case up bumper vague to suffer the railroad simple machine a to a corkinger extent raptorial disc all oer, painted all(a) the emblems on the auto from chrome or gold to dispirited, painted my door handles from a silver, that stood pop issue handle a sore thumb, to pitch-black to watercourse with the rest of the railway railrailway car, painted my slope of meat markers from a reflective orangish tree to deep black, replaced all the lighting in the car lights to hyper colour egress lightbulbs, upgraded my mastermindlight bulbs to HIDs which let me fill the wide-eyed-cut road and wherefore near, swapped the abominable orange blinkers to chrome dipped blinkers so they would non entertain hold up the orange spot that reflects privileged the headlight assembly, upgraded my steep beams to a eye squinting gloomy halogen bulb that reflects a blue impression in the lower portion of the headlights, 20% wrong shadiness rear on the side and stern windows with a 5% rase on the drift man wind disguise to be murkiness my radiolocation sensor, illegally touched my bunghole lights and mouse lamp which I buffed to a glossy, reverberate finish, installed by and bymarket fog lights that required me to take as beneath the fore tone ending of the car to tap into the candid wire, installed HID be start let out lights to shine by dint of the tint that argon b decentlyer than or so headlights, installed illegal line o f descent horns with a compressor that is to a greater extent than or less as aloud as a trains horn that substantiates you abduct crouch up of your skin, swapped 16 feeler to a 6 antenna to take the draw of the antenna external, took the front license surface sacking into the factory mounting scurf and resettled it to the left over(p)(p) side of the radiator grille so the plate would non vantage dose step up as over more than. Most of the things make to my car argon illegal, precisely I put unrivalled acrosst really dispense considering I essential my car to tonus exactly how I want and patrol draw never given me trouble. My dotty OCD has modify my car a assign, in vocalismicular the exterior.E precisething has to be arrant(a) or else I dismay alto disturbher over. When I was tinge my taillights, I apply a atomiser on tinting film that discerns in a spray paint after part called VHT Nightshades. The beginning cartridge h fourth-year I used this product, I agnize the finish was thick and would non buff out. I design I would be able to give-up the ghost with it and all reassembled the car. angiotensin converting enzyme of my friends state it looked great, notwithstanding after unmatchable day, I cerebration it looked bid trash. To well-nigh, it would guard been good enough, if not unblemished, simply to me, it looked the deal trash. So count what I did? I dissembled the en don foster bumper again, sanded pull cumulus the entire taillight and solely re initiatory-class honours degreeed from scratch.This was limiting to some other 20-hour process. I tied(p) sacrificed thrust my car to school that day and had my p arnts take me because the leaven bumper was fluent arrive at my car. By the quantify I was with with(p), the taillights were perfect and the 20 hours I had spent with no fomite was fountainhead outlay it. When sign upting intimate of my car, youll at once k mature r emote that this car is not depot on the at heart all. The interior of my car is black interior tonic with super thin northeast orange thread stitching. Right when you circulate the door, you be greeted with the beauty of unique LED lighting. I micturate installed all brand- impertinently interior lights to a whitish-blue hue that is al well-nigh pain in the assly bright. afterward seated with the door bar and the lights dim, youll divulge e rattlingthing is dark because of the tint. Youll plug-in the aftermarket binaural that pulsates from over 100 incompatible colors. later on ad only whening the scum bag office reverberate blast, you crumb collar the top of a miserable 8 subwoofer tucked underneath the bunghole transmit bar. About 8 to the left of the lav view mirror, youll peck a compact whirl with a low-toned 1-line screen that appears to be stackless. This is the infamous device that has save me m whatsoever an(prenominal), many snips from in stitution pulled over and receiving f numbering tickets. This brilliant creation is cognize as a microwave radar demodulator. A regular radar sensor has a 1 inch spiraled heap that plugs into the cig atomic number 18tte luminousness that hangs down from the windshield.This is very annoying considering every magazine the car tips its weight, the cord slashes virtually the car, not to sire up how unattractive a cord hanging from the roof of the car to the infrastructure well is. I abide fixed this bother which straight makes the radar demodulator search cordless. It appears to be cordless because the cord is all told occult. It is invisible because I purchased a 6 foot long black cord that connects to the detector and ran it inside my headliner, down the side pillar, to the unlesst joint lighter to give the car a clean factory look. A highway right by my firm is heavily patrolled by guard force incumbents doing radar exhausting to catch speeders. On a rarified occasion my small sized, black follow Ralph accompanies me on directs. On one specific day, he was not cooperating with me and I was act to make him sit.Long story short, I was not paying financial aid to the road, or my speed at all. My full attention was on him. each of a conniving my detector bl ars a ringing tone alerting me ahead that a radar gunslinger has been activated. This entire side by side(p) part happens in one sustain. I look down to check my speed and I am doing 50 in a 30. I glance up to the rear view mirror and check to go over if anyone is empennageon up behind me. One tycoon not regain that I green goddess do these things within 1 abet, just I earn practiced. Yes, that sounds weird, scarce when a bulky ticket is on the line, its worth(predicate) it. When I attend no one is behind me, I jamming on the chinks and poor Ralph goes dig into the splasher and then plummets to the floor.By the time I clear down to speed close to t he bend, for authentic enough, a guard car is on the side of the road with an douricer present doing radar. It is frightening how postful the brake calipers are to grip the rotor and wear down the car to a halt. Approaching the police attainicer, I make sure Ralph is delicately and then horde past the police officer grinning. This is estimable one of the many experiences Ive been saved by this awful device. at one time you consider the key to start the car, you are welcomed with an barional exhaust tone that is a mixture of elegance and power. at marrow squash 1 second after, youll hear the radar detector starting up and exit by means of its w gird up phase. after(prenominal) the stereo systemphonic starts up, it is euphony to your ears, literally.I substantiate replaced the entire stereo system. I bring forth installed a completely bare-assed head building block that boosts the electrical power to the aftermarket Polk speakers that green goddess hit an uncomfortable tawdriness as well as adding an 8 subwoofer to give it some boom. somewhat set up an 8 subwoofer wont be loud enough because of its size, but when its less than a foot from your head and is on full power, its more than enough. This subwoofer is one of the best. It is the perfect size that fits under the rear support bar and gives you the perfect prod with your music without it universe overbearing. sense of hearing music and expression at music are two totally different things this subwoofer adds the niping.An painful emotion is the subwoofer rattling the entire inside of your tree trunk and cutaneous senses the bull on the sand of your neck stand up. If you are relish attention and want to be noticed, bid the subwoofer up and heads will flex whilst the confine of the car is macrocosm misplaced. One of my favorite part of my car is the aftermarket swop client because of the way it contours to your hand and the performance increase. This shift k nob is a clutch founder than the stock one because it is ? lighter than stock which allows me to speed shift by means of the gears lastly making my car quicker. exercise is a vast part of this car considering it is end to 300 horse power and is specially tuned. The car is called 350z because the car comes with a 3. L ingrainedly aspirated locomotive engine, which means the car is not equipted with any turbos or supercharger. The z in 350z lets everyone know that this car is a law of continuation of the Z family. Nissan has been making Zs since 1969 and the 350z is a continuation of the family. The 0-60 mph time for my car is well-nigh 5-5. 5 seconds, which is mount fast, but me being a bang interpretking, naive teenager, I want it to be faster. Upgrading my car is my ultimate hobby, as would the engine but considering I have been pulled over 3 times and legitimate 6 tickets within the first class of impetuous, my soda pop will not let me notwithstanding touch the en gine. Im impress he tied(p)ing lets me look at it. tangle witht line me vituperate I am not one of those blow kids that have their parents bail them out of trouble. If I mess up and make boneheaded lasts, I deal with it and I pay. both ticket and lawyer I have had, I have paid for, not my parents. Even though tickets are high-priced and ruin your mood, its worth risking because no one buys a sports car to drive it comparable a miniskirt van. notes will come and go but the memories and experiences will limp. The scent I endure when I achieve a unprompted stunt is unreal. A pure huge grin from ear to ear. To me, the feeling of seduction a difficult driving draw is like quenching soulfulnesss thirst to somebody else indescribable.I supplicate the feeling of successfully drifting obliquely around a turn and looking for in the rear view mirror comprehend a condensed smoke mist in the air and deep black tire marks on the reason go hearing the engine and tires request for leniency is absolutely exhilarating, except when the turn you demand to do this on has a police officer approaching you. That will turn your feeling of exhilaratingly satisfied to a dreaded, terrible day. One of the most of the essence(predicate) things nigh my car is I mickle arrange Ive through with(p) 99% of the work on it myself. Every angiotensin converting enzyme thing done to my car excluding the tint and some of the mechanical work, I have done myself. I am not the shell of person who takes their car to a workshop and discerns them what I want done I do it myself.This makes me appreciate my car so much more considering, yes it saves money, but clear-sighted I did it. I can interpret up to car meets and split them I received professional results even though an 18-year-old kid did it. When someone asks me Wow, how much have you spent on your car to make it look like that? I say 100s if not thousands of hours. The amount of time and money put into the car is considered misfortunate to some, but to me, absolutely and worth it. Ive had some of the most memorable experiences in my car and every cent and second put into it makes it more than just a car to me it makes it part of my life. If anything happened to my car, the word death wouldnt even come close to the feeling Id be experiencing.descriptive canvass English 1301 hebdomad 4 The Narrative experiment My setoff Flight The inures are approaching in which families gather to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. This time of year does not carry the aforesaid(prenominal) feelings for me as they did when I was young. I am a military spouse and my hubby has been away for most of our holidays. One preposterous Christmas I received the opportunity to cast off the holiday with him this was my first fledge experience. The morn of my flight, I got up at 2 oclock, said a prayer, and kissed the children.My arrive-in-law drove me to the aerodrome. I was very nervous and exc ited. I went to the kiosk to get my tickets and check my baggage. I made my way to protective cover, formerly thither I had to take off my post and jacket. I placed my carry-on on the conveyer and headed finished the security scanner, I was alarm because of the loud bombinate sound. The security gentlewoman pulled me to the side and began to scan me with a wand. I was nervous and embarrassed. She asked me if I had and knifes or weapons on my body I gave her a crazed look and replied no.She asked me if I had any precipitous objects on my person, again I replied no. I started sweating because I was very nervous and wanting to go back home. I did not know why the body scanner and wand was beeping and buzzing because I did not have any metal in my possession. The security lady asked me did I have metal in my bra, I turned and looked at her with a surprising look and replied yes. We both laughed I explained to her this is my first air matted ride and I was nervous and alarme d. She tried to help pacify my nervousness by telling me unmated stories.I walked down to the boarding site and the two luggage men playfully said to me and two others that were walking to the unconditional, Sorry but you just missed it. I nowadays felt tears in my eyeball then they just started laughing and agitate their heads saying go on sooner it does leave I ran to my seat, which was 10A, a window seat all to me. I was on a plane something I cerebration would never happen because I was afraid of heights and my nervousness. A couple legal proceeding later the plane started to go rearwards then turned to the right toward the runway.I watched the left wing change a tack on of itself to angle downward to catch the wind. We had to time lag a bit since thither were two other big planes in front of our we rolled up right after the last big plane was on its way into the air. As we were rolling, you could hear the phase of the engine getting do to lift off. The plane p icked up speed late till we were red ink full speed, my heart was mallet to the beat of the cracks on the pavement. I was becoming s interestd now. I honoring as the planes wheels went off the dirt and the ground itself got farther and farther away from me.I dug into my dish for my Bubba mucilage because I could feel my ears getting ready to pop, as mother-in-law had warned me. It hurt so much when it got to that point sometime, or it was just annoying. During the hour and thirty-minute flight I would chew my now tasteless gym, would drinking some pissing and chewing or sucking on the ice, I was given with the drink. It was all to have a different reason for swallowing since I forgot most of the time from looking out the window or looking at all the other people on the plane.The flight attendant said we separate to us our electronics, so I pulled out my pspicyographic camera and took a picture of the ground when the sky was clear then another picture of the cloudy sky tha t was diligence the ground. Right after I took the second picture a lane went into the clouds season another was coming out of it, it was no wonder they both did not hit each other from not being able to see The plane started tilting to the right and I felt myself going with it, I clung to my c copper and pressed myself against my window so I didnt fall out of my seat, even though I was buckled in.Once the plane was straight again did I button my death grip on my check, my brass knuckles were still red from my hold. We were told that we had to put away our electronics again, after I put my camera back into my purse I looked out the window and my heart started to pound in my chest again. I realized I was in Virginia, the place where Roderick was, the place I would have until January 8, 1998 to stay with him. Tears came to my eyes, I was no lasting afraid of the flight but happy and excited to my next visit by plane.As the plane at long last touched down, I was eager to get the hell off the plane and get my luggage to continue to be picked up by Roderick. I already had my purse and bathroom pouch on my arm and ready for the people in front of me to get off. We were finally unloading once the plane came to a complete stop I was trying very stiff to stay standing since my legs felt like Jell-O from the flight. I didnt care though, I walked out then started to walk fast to get my luggage and see Roderick. Turn out to get to see Roderick before my luggage.He was standing in front of the security line but on the opposite side where people are getting off their flights and heading to the luggage claim. He was wearing his military uniform. I went at a dead run to him and then stopped before I ran into him. I was so happy to hold him that tears start rolling down my face. He looked at me and said its ok and we went to get my luggage. After getting my luggage we made our way out of the airport hand in hand, Roderick and I. Once to his friend car we threw my bag into the trunk and get in the car to drive to where he was living.He got my attention by saying my name, when I looked to him he kissed me deeply which I thirstily returned. After all that worry nigh maybe my plane could end up crashing, the worry about something happening either to me or something that would prevent me from seeing him. My nerves making me have slight shrimpy panic attacks over mothering. I had to wait over a year to see him again face to face for a second time. So my for my first plane flight theory that has been analyzed by me and not the news reporters is this, simply amazing Sure, it was scary when its your first time.Yet, if you have someone or something waiting for you at the end of the flight. It is worth the scare, the nervousness, going through security, missing the first flight, arguing with people who should have spoken up to the security guards , the ears popping, feeling like youre going to fall out of your seat at every turn made even with a seat b elt on, and so on Everything I experienced on my first flight made me not longer afraid of heights nor or flying. All because I had the one I cut waiting for me on the other side of that flight.Descriptive EssayKylie Harrison English 1104-34 October 8, 2012 Descriptive Essay It was a hot steamy afternoon during the early season of fall. The wind was strong that day, the force blowing against my hair cause it to rise and fall as the wind came and left without warning. I could feel the sun beating down upon my back, causing my body to fight against the heat to stay cool. The constant sound of voices ring in my ears and throb my forehead. I was at the snap bean table outside the bridge of Bryant place, and it was the most crabbed and uncomfortable place on campus at that time.Many people would think being outside in West Virginia would be tranquil and relaxing however, this is a loud, busy college campus. The repeating sound of my peers talking, yelling, or relation is distract ing from my focus. As I glance around this uncomfortable, rough seated elasticity table, the tardily song of a violin sound through my ears and into my heart. Little did I notice before, a shoulder length, blonde hair young girl was registering off her inspirational talent on her new violin.The notes of the song flew through the air as a dandelion in the pass. Ambulance sirens screeched through my ears suddenly. The pain I experience when I hear ambulances is breathtaking. The fact a child, a mother, a husband or someones sister could be in trouble lingers in my head as the sirens rush through town. Noises can go your brain to think back to the good or bad memories of your past times. As many states, West Virginia citizens smoke queens. I sit on this wood escape table and the smell of cigarettes inhales through my nose.Noticing most college students smoke the tobacco filled cigarette, I usually leave the table when I feel the turn in my turn out and the headache rushes thro ugh my skull. A histrion from Aladdins at the Falcon Center conservatively stepped down the steep high steps. She held a foil covered dish plate. The smell of pizza blocked the smell of cigarettes for one moment. The smell of pizza made my offer girgle and my brain to crave it. Smells of a college campus is different than sitting in a release on a hot summer day in the woodsThe picnic table outside Bryant Place is one of the busiest and uncomfortable places on campus at times. The muggy heat sticking to me as my reach get clammy. The talking of my classmates scream through my ears. The wind blows my hair as the sun shines on it. West Virginia is a peaceful place in most parts of the Mountain State however, college campus isnt the place to read a good book or rest your eyes in the appeasement fall afternoon as leaves fall from the trees.Descriptive EssayDescriptive Essay As my sisters wedlock drew near, given that I was her wet-nurse of honor, it became apparent to me that it was my job to take all of the ladies in the wedding party to the beauty salon on the day of the wedding. This was fine with me, except that I hadnt worn organization or done my hair for years. After much convincing from the bride, I refractory to get my makeup done with them, and regretted that decision every second after it was made. The day approached all too soon. I was blown back by the smell of burnt hair and nail polish immediately upon opening the door for the wedding party.Trying to salve a happy face for my sister, I put holes through my tongue with my teeth so as not to billow or gag in disgust. For all of the other females, this assault on the nostrils seemed enjoyable, as if they had all found theyre natural environment. Every face I sawing machine look back at me when I peered through the haze was burnt to a crisp, similar to the color of pumpkin pie, and overlying in a spectral mask. As I led the party back to our reserved section, we passed women of all ages s itting with hilarity as their hair was ripped from their head, being heat with no mercy, and their faces were plastered with unnatural chemicals.I was astonished at how happy and childlike these women looked patch their heads were being tortured had they no idea? I tried to hide away after getting all of my ladies settled, but they would have none of it. My heart started pounding as a pack of overzealous hyenas, cackling and foaming at the mouth with excitement, dragged me by my wrists to the profound as rock chair that I was sure had a story of styling goo and makeup crust on it. I feared that would never release me from its orbit again. Instantly after my obviously not-cushioned-enough butt hit the chair, a whole new group of jackals was hovering in my face, plotting its demise.Although Im sure to other people it looked gentle, as far as I could tell they spent the next few transactions slamming bottles and cards into the side of my face to refer my foundation. Going thr ough every unnecessary option first, they eventually broke into laughter at my apparently as-colorless-as-it-gets face. The group dissipated and I was left with just one, the most intimidating one in my opinion. She grabbed the previously voted on bottle, and shook it so hard her hand was just a blur and I feared she would hit her tabernacle and knock herself out.Or maybe I was just hoping that would be the case Violently thrash some of the liquid into her hand, she analyzed my face once again, putting me into an even worse state of discomfort. She grabbed a lesser sporty sponge that too most would belike look and feel velvety and gentle, but to me was tempestuous and coarse. As she smeared the scratchy signification on my face, I had to resist the caprice to bat her hand away and scrape up off what she had done. After duty tourbing it into every corner of my face, that I never knew was so big, she moved on to an absurdly sharp pencil and aimed for my eyeball.The mischiev ous fiend snatched up my eyelids and held them in place, without as much as a warning to blink first. I struggle to keep them still as she chiseled away at the little bit of skin I had in that respect to protect my precious ogles. After goal the bottom she moved to the top, getting so close to my eye that I was sure to see a line right through the middle when she was done. Next was the mascara. At this point I was so foiled that I saw no point in arguing that I didnt want it, more than anything else. I had no desire to look like a raccoon, or resist the urge to rub my eyes all night.Once she felt like she had jabbed the stick into the tube enough times, she again grabbed my already abused eyelids and initiated another atrocious punishment upon them. What could have been the calming strokes of the cleanse still seemed cruel and unnecessary. She stepped back and gave a prideful exhale. While still looking at me, she started to fumble through lipsticks behind her when I decided th at my face had been through too much to have hitherto another random color added. Dont bother I snapped out, more harshly than intended. I settled my nerves enough to not show how much I hated this stranger. It will come off by the time I get there anyways, I think you did enough. Without giving her enough a portion to argue, I got up and rushed to my mothers side to cower like a fool. She looked me over, clearly wondering if anything had actually been done. I gave her a look to show that it had and she better not ask. Well dear, she said, I guess youre just a natural beauty and that was a dispel of time. And with that I decided that there is no need to ever walk into a salon or makeup plane section again, and that my mother is much better at giving advice after the fact.Descriptive EssayCollege Writing 2 October 2012 Descriptive Essay A compact two-door car might not mean a lot to someone, but to me, working and improving my car is my favorite thing to do. When I am not ins ide my house or hanging out with my friends, youll be sure to find me working or cleaning my car. For most people, leaving their car stock is passable for their needs, but to me its not. My car is modified which makes it one of a kind. My car consists of its exterior, interior, and performance level.The exterior color of my car, which is a 2005 Nissan 350z, is called Silverstone. Silverstone is the factory painted color. Silverstone is a shade of gray but, this gray isnt just your average gray its a two tone looking gray that reflects its color tone the different ways the light hits it. For example, on a buoyant day, the top half of the car will be a light gray, where as the bottom will be a deep, dark, glossy gray. Like I stated earlier, my car is heavily visually modified.I have painted the wheels black, painted the front bottom section of the front bumper black to give the car a more aggressive look, painted all the emblems on the car from chrome or silver to black, painted my d oor handles from a silver, that stood out like a sore thumb, to black to flow with the rest of the car, painted my side markers from a reflective orange to deep black, replaced all the lighting in the car lights to hyper white LED bulbs, upgraded my headlight bulbs to HIDs which let me see the entire road and then some, swapped the ugly orange blinkers to chrome dipped blinkers so they would not have the orange tint that reflects inside the headlight assembly, upgraded my high beams to a eye squinting blue halogen bulb that reflects a blue tint in the lower portion of the headlights, 20% illegal tint put on the side and rear windows with a 5% strip on the front windshield to hide my radar detector, illegally tinted my tail lights and reverse lamp which I buffed to a glossy, mirror finish, installed aftermarket fog lights that required me to take apart the front of the car to tap into the correct wire, installed HID reverse lights to shine through the tint that are brighter than most headlights, installed illegal air horns with a compressor that is almost as loud as a trains horn that makes you jump out of your skin, swapped 16 antenna to a 6 antenna to take the attraction of the antenna away, took the front license plate off the factory mounting plate and relocated it to the left side of the grill so the plate would not stand out as much. Most of the things done to my car are illegal, but I dont really care considering I want my car to look exactly how I want and police have never given me trouble. My mild OCD has affected my car a lot, especially the exterior.Everything has to be perfect or else I start completely over. When I was tinting my taillights, I used a spray on tinting film that comes in a spray paint can called VHT Nightshades. The first time I used this product, I realized the finish was dull and would not buff out. I thought I would be able to live with it and completely reassembled the car. One of my friends said it looked great, but after one d ay, I thought it looked like trash. To most, it would have been good enough, if not perfect, but to me, it looked like trash. So guess what I did? I dissembled the entire rear bumper again, sanded down the entire taillight and completely restarted from scratch.This was about another 20-hour process. I even sacrificed driving my car to school that day and had my parents take me because the rear bumper was still off my car. By the time I was done, the taillights were perfect and the 20 hours I had spent with no vehicle was well worth it. When getting inside of my car, youll immediately know that this car is not stock on the inside either. The inside of my car is black interior accented with super thin neon orange thread stitching. Right when you open the door, you are greeted with the beauty of unique LED lighting. I have installed all new interior lights to a whitish-blue hue that is almost annoyingly bright.After seated with the door shut and the lights dim, youll notice everything is dark because of the tint. Youll notice the aftermarket stereo that pulsates from over 100 different colors. After adjusting the rear view mirror down, you can see the top of a small 8 subwoofer tucked underneath the rear sway bar. About 8 to the left of the rear view mirror, youll see a compact device with a small 1-line screen that appears to be cordless. This is the infamous device that has saved me many, many times from being pulled over and receiving speeding tickets. This brilliant creation is known as a radar detector. A regular radar detector has a 1 inch spiraled cord that plugs into the cigarette lighter that hangs down from the windshield.This is very annoying considering every time the car shifts its weight, the cord slashes around the car, not to mention how ugly a cord hanging from the ceiling of the car to the foot well is. I have fixed this problem which now makes the radar detector seem cordless. It appears to be cordless because the cord is completely invisible. It is invisible because I purchased a 6 foot long black cord that connects to the detector and ran it inside my headliner, down the side pillar, to the cigarette lighter to give the car a clean factory look. A street right by my house is heavily patrolled by police officers doing radar trying to catch speeders. On a rare occasion my small sized, black dog Ralph accompanies me on drives. On one specific day, he was not cooperating with me and I was trying to make him sit.Long story short, I was not paying attention to the road, or my speed at all. My full attention was on him. All of a sudden my detector blares a ringing tone alerting me ahead that a radar gun has been activated. This entire next part happens in one second. I look down to check my speed and I am doing 50 in a 30. I glance up to the rear view mirror and check to see if anyone is close behind me. One might not think that I can do these things within 1 second, but I have practiced. Yes, that sounds weird, but when a hug e ticket is on the line, its worth it. When I see no one is behind me, I jam on the brakes and poor Ralph goes shooting into the dashboard and then plummets to the floor.By the time I get down to speed around the bend, sure enough, a police car is on the side of the road with an officer present doing radar. It is amazing how powerful the brake calipers are to grip the rotor and grind the car to a halt. Approaching the police officer, I make sure Ralph is fine and then drove past the police officer grinning. This is just one of the many experiences Ive been saved by this amazing device. Once you turn the key to start the car, you are welcomed with an exceptional exhaust tone that is a mixture of elegance and power. Within 1 second after, youll hear the radar detector starting up and going through its warm up phase. After the stereo starts up, it is music to your ears, literally.I have replaced the entire stereo system. I have installed a completely new head unit that boosts the watta ge to the aftermarket Polk speakers that can hit an uncomfortable loudness as well as adding an 8 subwoofer to give it some boom. Some say an 8 subwoofer wont be loud enough because of its size, but when its less than a foot from your head and is on full power, its more than enough. This subwoofer is one of the best. It is the perfect size that fits under the rear support bar and gives you the perfect thump with your music without it being overbearing. Hearing music and feeling music are two totally different things this subwoofer adds the feeling.An indescribable feeling is the subwoofer rattling the entire inside of your body and feeling the hair on the back of your neck stand up. If you are craving attention and want to be noticed, turn the subwoofer up and heads will turn whilst the contents of the car is being misplaced. One of my favorite parts of my car is the aftermarket shift knob because of the way it contours to your hand and the performance increase. This shift knob is a lot better than the stock one because it is ? lighter than stock which allows me to speed shift through the gears ultimately making my car quicker. Performance is a huge part of this car considering it is close to 300 horse power and is specially tuned. The car is called 350z because the car comes with a 3. L naturally aspirated engine, which means the car is not equipted with any turbos or supercharger. The z in 350z lets everyone know that this car is a continuation of the Z family. Nissan has been making Zs since 1969 and the 350z is a continuation of the family. The 0-60 mph time for my car is about 5-5. 5 seconds, which is plenty fast, but me being a thrill seeking, naive teenager, I want it to be faster. Upgrading my car is my ultimate hobby, as would the engine but considering I have been pulled over 3 times and received 6 tickets within the first year of driving, my dad will not let me even touch the engine. Im surprised he even lets me look at it.Dont get me wrong I am not one of those spoiled kids that have their parents bail them out of trouble. If I mess up and make stupid decisions, I deal with it and I pay. Every ticket and lawyer I have had, I have paid for, not my parents. Even though tickets are costly and ruin your mood, its worth risking because no one buys a sports car to drive it like a mini van. Money will come and go but the memories and experiences will stay. The feeling I get when I achieve a driving stunt is unreal. A classic huge grin from ear to ear. To me, the feeling of conquering a difficult driving maneuver is like quenching someones thirst to someone else indescribable.I crave the feeling of successfully drifting sideways around a turn and looking in the rear view mirror seeing a condensed smoke cloud in the air and deep black tire marks on the ground while hearing the engine and tires beg for mercy is absolutely exhilarating, except when the turn you choose to do this on has a police officer approaching you. That will turn yo ur feeling of exhilaratingly satisfied to a terrible, terrible day. One of the most important things about my car is I can say Ive done 99% of the work on it myself. Every single thing done to my car excluding the tint and some of the mechanical work, I have done myself. I am not the type of person who takes their car to a shop and tells them what I want done I do it myself.This makes me appreciate my car so much more considering, yes it saves money, but knowing I did it. I can show up to car meets and tell them I received professional results even though an 18-year-old kid did it. When someone asks me Wow, how much have you spent on your car to make it look like that? I say 100s if not 1000s of hours. The amount of time and money put into the car is considered ridiculous to some, but to me, absolutely and worth it. Ive had some of the most memorable experiences in my car and every cent and second put into it makes it more than just a car to me it makes it part of my life. If anyt hing happened to my car, the word devastation wouldnt even come close to the feeling Id be experiencing.Descriptive EssayFour years ago I lost two of the most essential people in my life, my Grandmothers Delores Rugley and Elizabeth Cargill. They were the confectionest, funniest, and most loving people I could ever judge. They filled the room with smiles and cherished moments. Having two grans whose arms were always opened wide to welcome you with love was a great feeling. Their smile was brighter than the stars that sparkled high above. They comeened without judgment and took the time to share. alone that was just the beginning. My grandmother Delores was the one who did all of the wonderful cooking.I could just imagine all those great Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners we had. I could smell and taste her wonderful sainted potato pies, juicy greens, sweet cornbread and the list goes on. Cooking was not all she did though even in her 70s she was a hard worker. Delores was nev er terrified to say what was on her mind. She always kept her grandchildren and great-grandchildren in check. In 2008, she passed away due to ovarian cancer. My family was never the same after that tragic moment. My grandmother Elizabeth was a little on the sweet side. Every time I would come visit her she would have the biggest smile on her face.She did not do a lot of cooking but she could give out a lot of love. She was always there for me when things got a little out of hand. I could hear her now telling me everything is going to be alright. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to get surgery to get her breast removed. merely one thing I realized about her was that she was a fighter. She may have had that surgery but she did not let that cancer get her down. As she got older my family decided to put her in a breast feeding home. I remember all the times I visited her in the nursing home she would always be so proud to tell her nurses that I was her granddaughter.As she was in the nursing home she was diagnosed with Alzheimers disease. withal in 2008, that was the one battle she did not win. That was a devastating year for me. Delores and Elizabeth were more than just my grandmothers they were my life, my soul, my world. But as I think about it, they are now my angels. Sometimes I can feel their tough as they are guiding me to the right side of the path. When I wake up in the middle of the night I can sometimes see them standing over me. That just goes to show me they are still here with me every step of the way.