Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dracula Essay

As Seward was called into the room, Renfield was found extremely injured, lying in a pool of blood that glistened under the light. His face was bashed and bruised, he had suffered severe damage to his head and it was evident that his back was broken as well. Renfield was kept in a straitjacket and his injuries left everyone wondering they could have been self-inflicted. As the story progresses, Seward sends the attendant to bring Dr. Van Helsing, who, after examination, later performs an emergency operation to the skull that would allow Renfield to regain consioucness and recount what had happen. As Renfield weakily began to recount the events that took place earlier that night. His story starts at the night Seward refuses to let him leave the asylum. Renfield admits to being visited by Dracula, who had appeared in a mist outside the asylum. After much attempt to resist the Count, Renfield was associated with Dracula for a period of time after he was promised several lives. Upon the presence of Mina Harker, Renfield notices that she appears extremely pale and seems to have lost alot of blood. This allows him to conclude and warn Seward and Van Helsing that Dracula had been visiting Mina. Prior to the moment Renfield was found on the floor, he explains that he encountered and tried to resist giving into Dracula, only to have been beaten up and thrown violently to the ground, crushing his head. The tale told by Renfield serves as new discovery that allows the characters of the book to carry out new ideas in order to bring down Dracula. His story seems to be the birth of a new discovery that represents the grande idea of resisting and going against Count Dracula. During his story, he appears to have been infuriated once he realized Mina was being violated by Dracula. This could represent how inaccepted actions that deteriorated purity were during the Victorian Era. Overall, his story serves as the final fuel that sets not only an ultimate goal but a time constraint as well, now knowing that Mina Harker’s life was at risk. What can Mina see and hear when Van Helsing hypnotizes her? † What does this indicate? Do you think Dracula can detect Mina’s â€Å"interferance†? Includes the October 11th entry of Dr. Seward’s diary; the October 15th, October 16th, October 17th, and October 24th entries of Jonathan Harker’s journal; telegram from Rufus Smith of Lloyd’s in London to Lord Godalming, dated October 24th; the October 25th, 26th, and 27th entries of Dr. Seward’s diary; telegram from Rufus Smith to Lord Godalming, dated October 28th; the October 28th entry of Dr. Seward’s diary. Mina makes the five men promise that if she becomes a vampire, they will kill her rather than allow her to be damned. She also asks her husband to read the burial service for her now, in case it should come to the worst. The heroes secure passage on the Orient Express from Paris to Varna, arriving there early to await the Count. Hypnotism of Mina brings the same news constantly: the sound of waves, masts, the movement of a ship at sea. Finally, they receive news that the ship has boarded at Galatz instead of Varna. The group takes the setback grimly, but they board the next available train to Galatz? knowing that they now may have to face Dracula on land. Van Helsing believes that the Count’s unholy connection with Mina may have allowed him to discover their plans. He is optimistic, however, that the Count will not expect them to track him into his own country. A change comes over Mina, and Van Helsing believes that Dracula has released some of his hold over her spirit. The clue is in Dracula’s past, which Mina and Van Helsing analyze together: back when he was a mortal warrior invading Turkey, when the invasion failed he fled home and left his army to be cut to pieces. In the same way, he now thinks only of escape and has cut himself off from Mina? not realizing that because she has tasted his blood, Van Helsing can still hypnotize her and learn of Dracula’s whereabouts. Analysis Chapter 25 Although the Count is able to elude them at Varna, he makes a critical error when he cuts himself off from Mina (note, however, that Mina is still not free from the threat of becoming a vampire). He assumes that he is safe in his castle, and he does not understand that Van Helsing’s hypnotism, combined with Mina’s connection to the vampire, will give Dracula’s enemies a critical edge over him. Van Helsing and Mina both use the terms of physiognomy in this chapter, referring again and again to the Count’s â€Å"child brain. † He is a criminal â€Å"type† (Mina even refers to two renowned physiognomists to back up her classification of the Count), and thus he has predictable limitations. He is selfish (he thinks of escape at all costs), and he uses the same strategy whether he is a mortal invading/escaping Turkey or an undead invading/escaping England. Here is another example of the heroes’ use of science as a weapon against the Count. It must be remembered that many intelligent people took physiognomy very seriously during Stoker’s time, and that for Stoker physiognomy was a viable tool for understanding and classifying human nature. Its racist/classist biases and unscientific methods are much easier to see in hindsight.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Apes Chapter 3 Questions

Chapter 3 Reading Questions: 1. Core Case Study: â€Å"Have you thanked your insects today? †- Explain why insects are significant. Many of the earth’s plant species depend upon insects to pollinate them. Carnivorous insects, such as the praying mantis, control the ‘pest’ insect population. 2. What percentage of the species on this planet consists of insects? Animals? Plants? 53% are insects; 20% are other animals; 18% are plants. 3. Give three examples of how we benefit from microbes.Soil bacteria convert nitrogen gas into usable forms for plants; they decompose wastes into nutrients we use; they help produce various foods such as bread, cheese, wine, beer, and tofu. 4. What percentage of the biomass on this planet accounts for microbes? 90% of earth’s living mass. 5. Define the four spheres of the earth. The atmosphere is the thin membrane of air around the planet. The troposphere is the air layer about 11 miles above sea level. The stratosphere li es above the troposphere between 11-30 miles; it filters out the sun’s harmful radiation.The hydrosphere consists of earth’s water, found in liquid water, ice, and water vapor. The lithosphere is the crust and upper mantle of the earth’s soil. It contains nonrenewable fossil fuels, minerals, and soil, and renewable soil chemicals needed for plant life. The biosphere includes most of the hydrosphere, parts of the lower atmosphere and upper lithosphere. All parts of the biosphere are interconnected. 6. Describe the three interconnected factors that life depends on. The flow of high-quality energy; the cycling of matter or nutrients; gravity. 7.Describe what happens to all of the solar radiation that reaches the earth. Solar energy flowing through the biosphere warms the atmosphere, evaporates and recycles water, generates winds, and supports photosynthetic life. 8. Is the greenhouse effect a positive or negative issue for life on earth? Explain why. It is a positi ve effect because without it, the earth would be too cold to support most forms of life. 9. Explain the following terms: abiotic, biotic, range of tolerance. Abiotic consists of non-living components such as water, air, nutrients, and solar energy.Biotic consists of biological components such as producers, consumers, and decomposers. Each population in an ecosystem has a range of tolerance to variations in its physical and chemical environment. 10. Explain how limiting factors can control population size. Too much or too little of any abiotic factor can limit or prevent growth of a population, even if all other factors are at or near the optimum range of tolerance. 11. What factors usually limit terrestrial populations? On land, precipitation and soil nutrients are often limiting factors. 2. What factors usually limit aquatic populations? In water, temperature, sunlight, nutrient availability, dissolved oxygen content, and salinity are limiting factors. 13. What is the overall chemi cal reaction for photosynthesis? 6CO2 + 6H2O (+ light energy) C6H12O6 + 6O2. 14. What is the overall chemical reaction for respiration? C6H12O6 + 6O2 —> 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36 ATP 15. Why are decomposers so significant to an ecosystem? They recycle the nutrients that make life possible throughout the ecosystem. 16.Why is biodiversity one of our most important renewable resources? Biodiversity provides us with natural resources, natural services, pleasure, and keeps the balance of the food web. 17. Describe 4 key components of biodiversity. Functional diversity includes the biological and chemical processes such as energy flow and matter recycling needed for the survival of species, communities, and ecosystems. Ecological diversity includes the variety of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems found in an area or on the earth.Species diversity includes the number of species present in different habitats. Genetic diversity includes the variety of genetic material within a species or popu lation. 18. What are the five major causes of species decline? Habitat destruction and degradation, invasive species, pollution, and human population growth. 19. Summarize two approaches to sustaining biodiversity. The ecosystem approach protects populations of species in their natural habitat by preserving sufficient areas of habitats in different biomes and aquatic systems.The species approach protects species from premature extinction by indentifying endangered species and protecting their critical habitats. 20. What trophic level do decomposers consume from? Decomposers process detritus from all trophic levels. 21. What form of energy is transferred from one organism to another? Stored energy in the tissues of the organism. 22. Why would the earth be able to support more people if we ate at a lower trophic level? The energy intake would be higher because there is less loss of energy. 23.Why are there rarely more than 4 or 5 trophic levels within an ecosystem? Because the food we b would not be able to sustain that great of an energy loss in successively higher levels. 24. What is the significance of net primary productivity? NPP measures how fast producers can provide the food needed by other organisms in an ecosystem. 25. What might happen to us and to other consumer species as the human population grows over the next 40-50 years and per capita consumption of resources such as food, timber, and grassland rises sharply?What are the three ways to prevent this from happening? We will end up pushing other species to extinction and reduce the biodiversity in earth. To prevent this, we can prevent population growth, find renewable energy sources, and consume food locally and at a lower trophic level. 26. Consider the diagram on page 67 (figure 3-22). Explain why desertification is so significant of an issue and relate that to the significance of net primary productivity. Dry land ecosystems are already such fragile ecosystems, and many of these delicate ecosyste ms have the most net productivity. 7. Describe the four types of soil horizons. The surface litter layer (O horizon) is the top layer and consists of freshly fallen undecomposed or partially decomposed leaves, twigs, crop wastes, animals waste, fungi, and other organic material. It is normally brown or black. The topsoil layer (A horizon) is a porous mixture of the partially decomposed bodies of dead plants and animals, called the humus and inorganic materials such as clay, silt, and sand. The B and C horizons (subsoil and parent material) contain most of a soils inorganic material and lies on bedrock. 8. How does color relate to the quality of the topsoil? The color of the topsoil suggests how useful a soil is for growing crops. Dark brown or black soil is rich in organic matter and nitrogen. Gray, bright yellow or red topsoils are the opposite. 29. What are the significant properties of soil? Soil texture: particle size of components. 30. How do humans impact the hydrological cycl e? We alter the water cycle by withdrawing large amounts freshwater, clearing vegetation, and eroding soils, polluting surface and underground water, and contributing to climate change. 1. Be able to diagram the entire Carbon cycle. See below 32. What is the significance of burning fossil fuels on the C cycle? Adds more carbon to the air. 33. How are Carbon and Nitrogen used by living organisms? Carbon and nitrogen make up organisms and are used in respiration by them. 34. What two natural processes convert nitrogen gas in the air to a usable form? Nitrogen fixation, Nitrification. 35. How is the C & N Cycle affected by humans? We add large amounts of nitric oxide in the air and we add fertilizers to the water and soils.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

U06d2 Market Competition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

U06d2 Market Competition - Essay Example Considering the health care industry, it is clear that the level of competition and the type of competition is very different when compared to that in other industries. The health care industry revolves around the services that it provides to the customers and the industry as a whole is very customer centric. The competition in this industry is more impacted by the external environment that it operates within and the healthcare environment as a whole (Teisberg & Porter, 2006). There is a direct impact on the healthcare industry from all the industries and also from the external environment as a whole. The competition in this industry is based more on the type of changes that the organizations are able to make to themselves and how the organizations are able to adapt to the needs of the people. Unlike the other industries, here in this sector, if an organization is unable to change and adapt to the changes in the markets, then the organization will be faced with instant downfall and the resistance will lead to loss of customers and clients in the market. Also considering the healthcare industry where the use of technology is so high that each day new and improved products are introduced to the markets. The competition in this market can be good to some extent. However concentrating on people who come from a relatively lower financial background and cannot afford to pay for expensive treatment, this can be a deal breaker (Swayne, Duncan, & Ginter, 2009). However, if the industry is looked at without concentrating on the different strata of people, then it is best and most effective that the industry is flooded with high levels of competition and development. Competition in any field is very effective as it allows everyone to realize their strengths and weaknesses and work on improving their weaknesses to strengths. This improvement will not only

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Convert most of the Universitys Undergraduate Teaching to Online Essay

Convert most of the Universitys Undergraduate Teaching to Online Courses - Essay Example The other reasons are such that, an online program is cheaper, and it also allows most people to achieve their education with their preferred universities without having to attend the universities physically. There has been a crisis in the job market where some industries lack enough trained personnel to fill the required deficit. Some of these industries or sectors include the medical industry as well as other technical fields that require thoroughly trained specialists. One of the reasons why these sectors do not have adequately trained personnel could be because such disciplines require more facilities per students to train. According to the law of demand and supply, when there are few trained specialists, there is a high demand for them in the market. Hence, there is a need to add more trained personnel to meet this growing demand. To be able to increase training of this required personnel, the online study methods are the most appropriate. With online study program, many students can enroll and be taught at the same time without occupying any physical space.The second reason for converting undergraduate programs to online courses is because of it affordability. Given the fact that th ere will be no physical space occupied, meaning, less and fewer resources will be used in teaching. This clearly shows that many people will be able to afford the online courses offered through the online study method as the courses will be cheaper than the usual prices. This will translate into higher many people being trained. When many people are trained, the rate of innovation will definitely increase since and the country will have its economic development levels increase. When there are many trained personnel, there will also be adequate human resources for the country to stir up its economy. Usually, the higher the number of untrained citizens in a country, the poorer the country becomes since the unemployment rate increases.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cardiorespiratory endurance training program Essay

Cardiorespiratory endurance training program - Essay Example It is done to improve the body’s capability to transport oxygen and nutrients to different tissues in the body. It is also done to improve the removal of wastes from the body. The body will be able to do this over sustained periods of time. Because of this, a cardiorespiratory endurance training program can help reduce the risk of diseases like heart attack, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and stroke. The cardiorespiratory endurance training program can be done three to five times a week. It should be done at a slow and steady pace in an intensity that will drop heart rate to 60 to 75% of the maximum. As with any training program, it is important to be checked by a doctor to know if you are fit to use the cardiorespiratory endurance training program. This program usually mixes a number of workouts to maximize the body’s endurance and overall fitness level. For my personal training program, I have considered a four-day per week training program that will improve my physical fitness. On the first day of training, it will target the upper body. It will include Incline Dumbbell Press, Push Up, Seated Shoulder Press, Tricep Pulldowns, Incline Dumbbell Curls, and Lateral Pulldowns. These exercises will be composed of three sets with twelve repetitions per set. The second day of training will be devoted to a cardiovascular activity. I can choose from a 20 minute run or a 30 minute swim or 30 minute cycling, depending on which activity is more appropriate for that day in terms of equipment availability and weather conditions. The third day of my training will concentrate on my lower body by doing Squats, Standing Calf Raises, Leg Extension, Seated Calf Raises, Walking Lunges, and Two Foot Long Jump. This will be done again in three sets with twelve repetitions per set. The fourth day of training will be a cardiovascular activity again, choosi ng between a 20 minute run or a 30 minute swim or

Monday, August 26, 2019

Strategic Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1

Strategic Human Resource Management - Essay Example Today most of the Organisations are found to be engaged in preparation to ensure their existence. As it was seen in the case of Air National which got privatized by the government of Britain as a result of which the company faced all of the sudden increase in the competitive forces due to other private companies in the airline industry. The company also lost the political strengths and influences which acted as substantial support to Air National (Bratton & Gold, 2001). During this adverse business condition the organization initially worked for its survival but parallel to that it also considered its growth which is achieved through the strategic approaches. To meet the technological challenges raised by the business environment Organisations could adopt approaches of SHRM under which they can develop their workforce by providing substantial training and skill development support (Delbridge, Gratton, & Johnson, 2006).As strategic HRM interventions, organizations should design their recruitment policy in a way that best suits crisis control. Organisations should try and find skilled and competent candidates for critical positions (Anonymous-c, n.d.) so that additional cost of training and development can be saved. The management should also ensure that the employee base it is left with post-downsizing consist of the most competent, efficient and talented employees. As these employees are rich with experience, targeted programs will be sufficient for their need-based training and development.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marketing of Petro-Chemicals in a Global Economy Term Paper

Marketing of Petro-Chemicals in a Global Economy - Term Paper Example Food and water supply, transport, and mobility services require energy input. Fossil fuels are predominant in our current energy system, providing low-cost and reliable energy services. Renewable resources are used as well, especially hydropower and wind power, but also biomass resources in developing countries.† Consequently, the U.S. Department of Energy stated that a major percentage of its oil use is benefitted by the industrialized world. The petrochemical product needs are expected to occur in the transportation sector. The transportation sector has few economically competitive alternatives to oil as a source of major energy. In the developing world, the demand for petrochemical products, especially crude oil demand, forecasted to rise to unprecedented levels by all energy using sectors. The increasing need is apparent as emerging economies are rerouted from noncommercial fuels, which includes wood for home cooking and home heating, to diesel generators. In addition, Edin ger (43) reiterated several academic researches indicate the global energy demand is forecasted to heighten significantly during the next decades to come. The United States Department of Energy wrote a reliable report that the International Energy Outlook 2001 where the projected worldwide energy use will reach as much as overshooting the 600 quadrillion Btu in 2020. The reliable forecast was revised to a lower figure from its original 1998 energy projection because of the economic crises in Asia which began in 1997 as well as the declining Russian economy. The unavoidable devaluation of the Russian money, ruble, and the collapse of the Russian finance sector precipitated to the declining Russian economy. There were new petrochemical producing nations that had been set up to the local communities’ need for energy. The countries produce petrochemical products to fill the continuing and increasing energy demands of factories, homes, and other customers. Thailand is one of the c ountries producing petrochemical products prioritizing filling the local petrochemical needs. Malaysia is another new country generating petrochemical products to supply the local petrochemical needs. Indonesia is a third nation producing petrochemical goods to supply the domestic petrochemical market. A fourth country, China, discovered petrochemical products to fill the oil-related needs of its homes, and local industries. With the new country competitors in the global petrochemical market, the prior competitors, United Sates, Europe, and Japan, realized a significant decline in the demand for petrochemical products in the global market place. Consequently, the three original petrochemical product producers had to contend with a lower 37 percent demand for their combined petrochemical products Edinger (43). Petrochemical products come from fossil fuels. Crude oil is a fossil fuel. Natural gas liquids are another group of fossil fuels. Coal is a very popular fossil fuel. Natural ga s is another very salable fossil fuel. These fossil fuel products are used as a major source of energy, especially electricity needs of the homes, offices, and other places. There is an increasing demand for petrochemical products. As the population grows, the demand for the petrochemical products grows. During the 2010 accounting year, there need for petrochemical products an estimated 430 quadrillion British Thermal Gas units

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Discussion Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 21

Discussion Question - Assignment Example Southern people feared that the North would gain strength and push abolition of slavery. The regional conflict between the North and South affected the political environment. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 saw the Northerners getting from the Union and formed a new slave state called Missouri while Maine became a slavery-free territory. The stands of North and South on slavery also influenced the compromise of 1850 that gave rise to doctrine of states’ rights (Brands, Breen, Williams & Gross, 2012). Both divisions were pushing for a state that would have equal leaders from slave and Free states. However, the compromise led to a bigger conflict that divided the two regions even further than in the beginning. Anti-slavery call inspired Abraham Lincoln rise to presidency. The North backed his candidacy because his victory would automatically impose their will on South. The Southern states did not have him on the ballot, but he won and brought moderate rule on slavery. The Southern states believed that Lincoln was against them. However, Lincoln did not have plans of violating doctrine of states’ rights in a bid to deal with the tension between the North and the

Post Civil War Industrialization and Its Impacts Assignment

Post Civil War Industrialization and Its Impacts - Assignment Example Accordingly, the following analysis will discuss three of the major aspects of industrialization from 1865-1920 and how these aspects influenced issues pertaining to the economy, politics, and the society of the United States. It is the hope of this author that such a unit of analysis will be beneficial in seeking to understand how the United States developed during this period of time and how the nation itself shifted from a primarily rural society to one that was dominated by a handful of major industrial centers. One of the first ways that industrialization changed the United States has to do with the change in the economy (Bates, 2013). After the conclusion of the Civil War, the North had built an impressive system of factories that was capable of supplying were material to the many tens of thousands of soldiers that were in the field. However, after the work included, the need for these factories to continue to produce war goods was of course immediately suspended. However, the infrastructure, machinery, and expertise that was developed during the war years provided a substantial base through which additional production of non-war related materials could take place. Ultimately, this process fundamentally shifted the way in which the economy was based. Prior to this particular point in time, the United States was primarily an agrarian society that relied upon the sale of food supplies and/4 other types of raw material. However, with the introduction of steam power and the changes in producti on that industrialization promoted, the United States began to be a dynamic economic force that was able to produce many finished as society changes the goods. This particular economic shifts created a situation by which large demand for labor case you represented within a relatively small geographic area. Although it may seem as if the era after the Civil War and up until the 1920s is ages removed from the current time, this period of industrialization laid a framework for modern, developed, and society that we currently reside within. Furthermore, the political changes, shifts and immigration, and changes with regards the way in which the population was represented at continue to define the way in which the United States developed and is exhibited within the modern era. Â  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Response to short story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Response to short story - Essay Example Clearly, it is blind approval of the lottery that has made the lottery part and parcel of the villagers’ lives and perpetuates annual murders in the form of ritual performances in the small town. People are often intrinsically resistant to change and have become so submissive to their traditions that they fear a relapse into primordial times upon the stoppage of the lottery. The lottery has transformed the villagers into inhumane creatures that they find it normal to kill so as to satisfy the demands of tradition. Sadly, none of the villagers can give a substantial reason for holding the lottery and having to kill someone whenever they are called upon. This clearly exposes the unconscious self that is driven by the power of tradition rather than the reasoning mind. Suppose the killers would take even a minute to challenge their action perhaps no more deaths in the lottery would be experienced, but no one seems to dare questioning the tradition. To them it seems like their reason for living. Jacksons impugns the villagers’ reverence for this odd tradition by arguing that the villagers are even oblivious of the origin of the ritual that they hold so

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Philosophy Essay The existence of God is viewed in two debatable perspectives – either the Divine Almighty exists or He does not. It is almost impossible to dwell on revealing the right answer to resolve this matter as one is dealing with an abstract matter that goes beyond reason and the physical or concrete aspect of life and the universe. The first argument questions the existence of God because there is no tangible sign in reality that reveals that He does exist. The opposite argument argues that God exists because of the impossibility of the presence of a Divine Being despite his non-existence in physical terms. This is supported by the virtue of faith and the belief that a greater power must be responsible for the existence of man and life. Perhaps asking about the existence of God is one of the most glorified questions that have not been answered since the beginning of time. This may not only be because of the fact that he does not encompass a physical entity, but also because God as an entity is beyond reason that people cannot even start to define who or what He is, what He is capable of doing, and such. In order to present an argument regarding this matter, it is important to discuss points which will prove or rather rationalize God’s existence. God exists, but He will only dynamically exist if one believes in His true existence. Rationalizing the existence of God is similar to proving the existence of love. Love is an abstract feeling or emotion, like God Himself is a nonrepresentational entity which does not exist in physical terms. Love is the same. It is an abstract feeling or emotion which cannot be represented in tangible terms, however, people know what it is, if not believe in it. Love exists because people believe in it. Love is felt and expressed, defining its meaning and significance, and framing it as a valid term or feeling because people can feel it allowing them to know it does exist. On the other hand, people who do not believe in love do not also believe it exists. I think this argument goes the same with the inquiry of the existence of God. God is a term or a word which represents a Divine Entity, while love is also a term or a word which represents an abstract feeling or emotion. However, their existence in reality is only confined in terms or words not unless people would believe they do exist and act upon their existence. Therefore, God does not exist for people who do not have faith in His existence, who do not give meaning to who He is as the creator of man and the universe. Think about love and why people believe it exists. This is because people choose to believe in what they feel, although unexplainable and intangible. Love is expressed in so many ways, from touching, caring, helping, doing good and kind acts, etc. Since love is expressed, then it is felt consequentially; and since it is felt, then people believe it does exist. In terms of the existence of God, people can justify His existence then by acting on their faith. This means worshipping him, praying to him, spreading His word, practicing or applying His commandments, and living in His righteousness. God becomes present in an individual’s life if he chooses to abide by Him and believe in what He has to offer for mankind. This means that although God exists by definition, He will continually exist in reality – that is in the lives of man and in everything they do – if people believe that He plays an important role in their lives and that He commands or directs man into living in the kind of life that He wants for His people. The existence of God then is justified by faith. Moreover, God exists within the things that represent who He is as a Diety – and that is in goodness, in love, in hope, respect, trust, and graciousness. God’s existence perhaps is the most difficult matter to argue given the diverse answers of people to this inquiry. However, one possible rationalization is faith in Him and all the things that people experience that is representative of God. That is man’s faith in God brings Him beyond the term or word labeled to Him, and that the faith of man leads Him to act on it by doing things to acknowledge His existence.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Misuse of Benzodiazepine

The Misuse of Benzodiazepine Introduction Benzodiazepine (BZD) misuse is a serious public health problem because it puts patients at higher risk of life-threatening drug overdoses for a long time.(Kevin W Chen,2011).In any case,the combination of effectiveness and risks of long-term use is the reason why BZD and other Tranquilizer drugs are too dangerous to deal with in clinical practice.Despite the fact that scientists have tried very hard to find an explanation for this issue, there is no recent study to assess how serious the problem is.However, BZD has killed a lot of people who use it for wrong purpose. The number of people taking prescribed BZD worldwide is considerable and over 1 million people in the UK are on long-term. (Dr Chris Ford,2014). For instance, Whitney Houston is the famous person who died because of BZD abuse. She died at the age of 48, which alarms the whole world . Whiney Houston’s cause of death (Xanax is one kind of Benzodiazepine) BZD do not indicate for a long-term treatment of anxiety or insomnia like some people who have misunderstanded. Long-term use can cause withdrawal symptoms in many people. Withdrawal symptoms can be considered as including three main groups: anxiety symptoms, distorted perceptions and major incidents.Treatment can be divided into three options: talking therapies, cognitive behavioural therapies and self-help. Self-help is the most important in this three options so the result depends much on patients endeavour. Situation Benzodiazepines are a type ofmedicationknown as tranquilizers. Familiar names include Valium and Xanax. They are some of the most commonly prescribed medications in the United States. When people withoutprescriptionsobtain and take these drugs for their sedating effects, use turns into abuse.Scientific name of this symptom is Benzodiazepines misuse or Benzodiazepines drug abuse (Joseph Goldberg,2014). BZD is used by two main populations: low-dose prescribed benzodiazepine users and high-dose, non-prescribed benzodiazepine abusers. In the first population, two kinds of patients who misuse the BZD are pointed out by Professor Heather Ashton in his scientific research about drug abuse.First, there are many patients who are prescribed BZD for short term but then using as long-term drugs by the instruction of doctors. As Professor Ashton mentioned in his book, this kind of patients estimated at 4 million people in the U.S. and it is likely that half of them are dependent.Four million people is quite a significant number that is enough to raise our attention on this issue. Morever, there are lots of patients who are prescribed BZD but then increase the dose on their own. â€Å"The more the better† is frequently a fundamental thinking of patients who misuse the dose of BZD. Benzodiazepine abuse is a growing problem and carries serious risks to health and society. Professor C Heather Ashton In the second population, Non-prescribed benzodiazepine abusers (NBA) is the term used to describe patients who are use BZD for arbitrary purposes. Without the instruction of doctor, NBA use BZD frequently for recreational purpose that lead them to be addicted. Table 1. Some benzodiazepines used recreationally (UK, Europe and USA) Generic name Brand name (UK) Potency (approximate dose equivalent to 10mg diazepam) Alprazolam Xanax 0.5 Bromazepam Lexotan 5 Chlordiazepoxide Librium 25 Diazepam Valium 10 Flunitrazepam Rohypnol 1 Flurazepam Dalmane 15-30 Ketazolam1 Anxon 15-30 Lorazepam Ativan 1 Medazepam1 Nobrium 10 Nitrazepam Mogadon 10 Oxazepam Serenid 20 Prazepam1 Centrax 15 Temazepam Normison, Euhypnos 20 Triazolam1 Halcion 0.5 (Zopiclone)2 Zimovane) (15) (Zolpidem)2 (Stilnoct) (20) Notes No longer in British National Formulary. Non-benzodiazepine hypnotics with similar actions to benzodiazepines; may have abuse liability. In the US, flunitrazepam have become popular because of diversion of supplies across the Mexican border .Potent benzodiazepines such as triazolam (no longer available in the UK), alprazolam (widely prescribed in the US) and lorazepam have a good position in NBA’c choice. These drugs are popular among sedatives such as valium (diazepam a particular pharmaceutical, like seduxen) and xanax (alprazolam scientific name, is a very powerful sedative often used in cases of severe insomnia ) has been misused and cause many adverse consequences. The use of sedatives such as drugs and marijuana to stimulate the brain has led to many scandals in the world of celebrity publicity curious about the effects of this class of drugs.Furthermore, some people not just use Benzodiazepine singly. According to the research of DAWN in 2002, there are 78% of user who have used more than one tranquiziler . Using several drugs at the same time as benzodiadepine, tranquilizers, narcotic, antidepressants, can cause drowsiness, falls and some other negative effect on your health that you would not know briefly. Problems BZD rarely used as recreational drugs which make user feel â€Å"high† .In the recent research, BZD is described to be valued on the same level as Cocaine or Alcohol. There is no doubt that it is difficult to estimate the extent of their ability to induce euphoria with psychic dependence and active drug-seeking behavior.(Doctor Cole JO,1990) The different types of BZD will have different effects on the body and on the extent of the time . Patients who use BZD simultaneously with heroin, alcohol or other addictive substances. The combined use of drugs is too dangerous because it is easy to lead to fatal cases for users. Impact of BZD to users depends on the following factors: The dose used (how many pills) Height, weight of the user Health status of users Experience using drugs before Have they used BZD with other addictive substances ? How to use (oral or injection) Using BZD individually or sharing with others Using BZD at home or at party Another study published in the BMJ paper in 2012 warned the wide use of benzodiazepine. The study concluded that the frequent use of drugs containing benzodiazepines are related to the risk of dementia.These studies have confirmed the use of benzodiazepines for long periods can adversely affect human perception and cause cognitive decline leading to dementia. The present study has shown the related connection between Benzodiazepines with the onset of dementia and Alzheimers disease. Alzheimer is the most common form of dementia syndromeandits disease is a condition that affects the brain, thinking and human behavior. A study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has considered the relationship between the risk of Alzheimers disease and those who use benzodiazepines frequently. 1796 people,who were followed for a period of 5 years before they are tested, are diagnosed Alzheimer. Benzodiazepines is addictive and can cause severe withdrawal symptoms. It activates neurotransmitters in the same way as opium and marijuana. When users stop taking antidepressant drugs, they become extremely anxious. Withdrawal is possible in most patients who are dependent on benzodiazepines once problems related to prolonged use of benzodiazepines and other drugs are explained and discussed. Consideration needs to be given as to when and how to detoxify and extra help and services may be needed. Many people depend on BZD drugs find out that decreasing the dose of Benzodiazepine is very difficult due to the appearance of a withdrawal syndrome when the expression of discomfort occurs due to abrupt discontinuation. The manifestation of withdrawal syndrome include : Seizures Difficulty sleeping Worry, anxiety, stress Confusion and depression Feeling anxious, think others want to harm you Panic and feel extremely anxious Alienated, do not want to be close to others. Withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous. Besides affecting physical health, it also has a negative impact on the mental health of patients with symptoms caused prolonged and dangerous symptom for them.Since using BZD for a long period of time to satisfy the addiction, many patients died suddenly while using the drug. FIGURE 1. Percentage of opioid pain reliever and benzodiazepine drug abuse–related emergency department visits in the United States and drug-related deaths in 13 states that involved alcohol, by age group — Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2010 The numbers in the chart FIGURE 1 are also the statistics of cancer patients who took an overdose of Benzodiazepine. In 2010, the percentage of ED visits that involved OPRs and alcohol was highest among persons aged 30–44 years (20.6%) and 45–54 years (20.0%).For the percentage of benzodiazepine ED visits was highest among persons aged 45–54 years (31.1%). Among OPR deaths, persons aged 40–49 years (25.2%) and 50–59 years (25.3%) had the highest percentage of alcohol involvement. For benzodiazepine-related deaths, the highest percentage (27.7%) was among persons aged ≠¥60 years.From the chart, it can be concluded that aged 45-54 are much needed medical care due to abuse Benzodiazepine.Anxiety is one of the reasons for people of this age often have to use Benzodiazepines regularly. Due to the nature of work and the burden of earning money that they constantly faced with the stress of work and life that makes them easy to fall into a state of str ess, anxiety and insomnia also. Therefore, Benzodiazepines are frequently used as a drug to help them overcome such bad condition. Obviously, the use is so spontaneous, rarely comes from the prescription of doctors so it often causes serious problems affecting the health of workers. Long-term use easily become a habit and start adversely affect their health.It also lead to the problem that the chart showed above.Aged Upper 60 has the highest rate which means that Drug ,such as Benzodiazepine, is a major cause of their death. That is the consequence of using too much Benzodiazepine or some other Opioid Pain Relievers among the aged 30-44 and 45-54. Generally , besides the beneficial effects to the treatment, there are many problems that Benzodiazepines cause to the users . Solution When prescribed for severe insomnia or disabling anxiety, the guidance is clear that benzodiazepines should only be given for short-term relief (2–4 weeks), which may occur alone or in association with short-term psychosomatic, organic, or psychiatric illness. They should be used in the lowest dose and for the shortest time. Benzodiazepines and other similar drugs are not indicated for the long-term treatment of anxiety or insomnia, unless in rare cases where the patient has been proven to have treatment-resistant anxiety or insomnia, i.e. resistant to psychological therapies and nonaddictive medications. The decision to prescribe in these circumstances is usually made by a specialist. The use of benzodiazepines is inappropriate to treat short-term mild anxiety. As mentioned in the Introduction part, talking therapies is one of useful cures for who suffer from withdrawal symptom. Talking therapies involve talking to someone who is trained to help you deal with your negative feelings. They can help anyone who is experiencing distress. You do not have to be told by a doctor that you have a mental health problem to be offered or benefit from a talking therapy. The therapy helps the patients facing their feelings and thoughts that lead them to feel insecure, afraid and the effect they have on their behaviour and mood. Describing what’s going on in your head can help you notice any patterns which it may be helpful to change.It can help you work out where your negative feelings and ideas come from and why they are there. Understanding all this can help people make positive changes by thinking or acting differently. Talking therapies can help people to take greater control of their lives and improve their confidence so that people do not need any medicines like Benzodiazepine help themselves.(Mental Health Foundation) For the second option , Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment performed either individually or in small groups, and has been found in some cases not only to be as effective as short-term prescription medication but may last beyond the withdrawal fromactive treatment. Cognitive behavior therapy has become increasingly popular in recent years with both mental health consumers and treatment professionals. Because CBT is usually a short-term treatment option, it is often more affordable than some othertypes of therapy. CBT is also empirically supported and has been shown to effectively help patients overcome a wide variety of maladaptive behaviors. The last treatmenat can be pointed out is self-help . Any illness will be cured very quickly if the patient attempts to overcome it. By increasing your self-awareness capabilities, self-help efforts can help you learn to recognize potential problems before they occur (or at least early on in their progression) so that you can head them off before they become substantial .This solution is really essential in treatment procedure . There is a quote : â€Å"If you try hard you can succeed in reaching your goal† . It is the truth that no one can disagree. For more information, there are some basic solutions that people should know to have a good first aid for who suffer from overdose use of Benzodiazepine in emergency. Overdose is a condition occurs when the dose exceeds the tolerance of the body. If only use pure benzo drugs, but if used in combination with other drugs such as alcohol, heroin, or methadone, is likely a drug overdose and death. When someone with a drug overdose, besides the need to be alert and perform the following actions: Call 115 victims immediately or take patient to the nearest medical facility. Always on the side of the victim Try to calm , do not panic Find ways to keep victims province, helped victims go around, talk to the victim. If the patient is unconscious, check if the victim is breathing or not. It is important to make clear the airway for the victim. If the patient has stopped breathing, blow into the victims mouth (CPR). Let the patient lying on lean posture , then wait for an ambulance . Evaluation The use of sedative drugs (ATGN) often remarkably effective, to quickly get deep sleep. However, overuse or prolonged use of this class of drugs often cause unwanted consequences, affect the health of users. There are some solutions that I pointed out above which is really helpful for patients who misues Benzodiazepine . In my point of view, Talking therapies and self help are two main treatment that people can easily prefer , like what I mentioned in Introduction, self help has significant role in the process of treatment because no one can help you better than yourself . Self help often has some benefits : Self help is free of cost. Patients do not have to pay for treatment since it is individual treatment. Self help help patients intensify their brain’s work , steering themselves away from bad decision. Such as overusing Benzodiazepines. Lance Armstrong is a practical example. In 1996, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer with a tumor has spread to the brain and lungs, and the initial prognosis is bad. The process of his cancer treatments included brain and testicular surgery, chemotherapy prolonged. Though suffering from the deadly disease but he overcame it in spectacular way to return to the race .In 1999, he won Tour de France for the first time and keep this position 7 times in a row, was recorded in the history of cycling. In conclusion, Lance overcame the cancer mainly because of his endeavour. He tried his best to maitain his spirit, his mind during the treatment and he was successful. On the other hand, talking therapy is also a good choice for patients who suffer from using Benzodiazepine overdose that lead to withdrawal symptom. Talking about your thoughts and feelings can help you deal with times when you feel troubled about something. If you turn a worry over and over in your mind, the worry can grow.But talking about it can help you work out what is really bothering you and explore what you could do about it.Talking is an important part of our relationships. It can strengthen your ties with other people and help you stay in good mental health that is needed for the physical treatment . Conclusion Benzodiazepine misuse is an international issue which alarms people all over the world. The number of dead people because of overusing Benzodiazepines ,which is stated in Figure 1 Chart, is really considerable. Patients and prescribers alike commonly understand benzodiazepines poorly. Generally, patients find them helpful and would like doctors to prescribe them but patients need to be made fully aware of the problems they cause, particularly long-term use. Just because benzodiazepines are effective and reduce suffering quickly, does not mean that they are the best treatment to give.As what I introduced, there is not just one problem by using Benzodiazepine overdose. Dementia, cancer and withdrawal symptoms are three problems that I mentioned in Part 4. People may take benzodiazepines to try to relax, reduce withdrawal symptoms involved with other drugs, or enhance the effects of another drug or substance. Young people may self-medicate for internal pain and distress. They may see th eir parents taking medication and think this ist he way to solve their own problems and become dependent on BZD. Self help and talking therapy is two good option of treatment that steer patient far away from drugs like Benzodiazepines. In conclusion, using risky drug ,like Benzodiazepine, frequently is not a good habit . Everything has 2 sides .Thus, how to use Benzodiazepine effetively is still be a difficult question for people.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Chinese And Americans Negotiations Style

Chinese And Americans Negotiations Style China has been becoming a key player in the world stage since last two decades for her rapid development of economy ¼Ã…’military force and so on. More and more countries regard China as an emerging market for her huge potential market and big amount of potential target customers; therefore, many countries want to operate business in China. According to the survey, America is one of the biggest business partners of China; it continues to maintain Chinas second largest trading partner, bilateral trade amounted to 102.34 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 11.4%. Among them, Chinas exports to the U.S. $ 74,300,000,000, an increase of 6.9%,more than a quarter of accelerating 1.5 percentage points over the same period accounted for 17.5% of the total value of Chinese exports; imported 28.04 billion U.S. dollars from the United States, an increase of 25.6%, trade surplus of 46.26 billion U.S. Dollars. As trade increases, more and more American companies have chosen to develop the Chinese market. While the problem also appears, it is difficult to negotiate with the Chinese. With the 5,000 years Chinese traditional culture, many multinational firms realized that China has her own negotiation style. This issue was mentioned by Lucian Pye (1992, p.74, cited by Tian, 2007), the Chinese may be less developed in technology and industrial organization than we, but for centuries they have known few peers in the subtle art of negotiating . When measured against the effort and skill the Chinese bring to the bargaining table, American executives fall short. From the above background, we can see that if the foreign business people want to do business in China, learning Chinese negotiation style is very important. With inadequate knowledge and skills of Chinese negotiation style, it will be difficult for Americans to succeed in striking a desirable deal with Chinese partners and in developing business in China. For this aim, this essay will do a systematically analysis on how to negotiation with Chinese, particularly for the Americans. This essay aims for set out how to understand Chinese negotiation style and find out the differences of negotiation styles between Chinese and Americans, to provide useful information on how to achieve a win-win object. In this essay, the main body will be the analysis of Chinese negotiation style. Section one will introduce some fundamental information of negotiation; in section two, the Chinese culture roots will be illustrated; in section three, the comparison of negotiation style between Chinese and Americans will be indicated; in section four, the conclusion will be given which is even though there are many differences among negotiation styles, the common rules still existed among these countries. Negotiation Based on Tian (2007), there are two parts contribute to negotiation process, which are common interests and conflicting interests. However, many scholars hold divergent views from different perspectives. From the social exchange theory, it defines negotiation as a process, which focus on problem-solving communication for both parties aims for a win-win agreement (McCall and Warrington, 1984; Graham, 1986, cited by Tian, 2007). Which means it focuses on how to maximize the benefits accruing to all parties. Therefore, it can be seen there is a positive relationship between two parties without hurting each other, the conflicts will also be addressed in a way that benefits all. Specifically, social exchange theory insists on a cooperative strategy of negotiation. This implies that both parties need to collaborate with each other and unify the interests of all aim for achieve mutual benefits. The cooperative strategy is illustrated as principled negotiation. As a principled negotiation, it focuses on: separate the human from the problem; focus on benefits rather than positions; options for mutual benefits; insist on objective criteria and no tricks and posturing. In all, the negotiation parties can gain from negotiation in a decent and fair manner. (Tian, 2007). Another theory is the game theory. This theory emphasizes on a win or lose agreement. It considers negotiation as a process that both parties communicate with each other in a competitive manner. (Raiffa, 1982; Siebe, 1991, cited by Tian, 2007). It defines negotiation as each party wants to maximize its own benefits at the cost of the other side. During negotiation all the parties can fight with one another in order to maximize their own interests. Hence, we can see that game theory is based on a competitive strategy. The third theory is called cross-cultural theory. This theory focuses on a specific type of negotiation, which is the different culture background. It indicates that different cultures may lead to different negotiation styles. Based on Tian (2007), game theory and social exchange theory have few implications on negotiation process, while the most influential factor is negotiators from different culture backgrounds need to have a basic understanding of each others cultural environments and negotiation styles; this will very helpful on the success of negotiation. In this essay, we will focus on the cross-cultural negotiation style to analysis the Chinese and Americans negotiation. Cultural roots of the Chinese negotiation style Lots of scholars argued that Chinese culture can be divided into two aspects; one is traditional Chinese culture, the other one is contemporary Chinese political culture (Tian, 2007; Fang and Ghauri). Traditional Chinese culture Confucianism is one of the most influential factors on Chinese negotiation style. There are six basic Confucian values. Firstly it emphasizes on moral cultivation. It regards trust and sincerity as the most important qualities. Secondly, it thinks highly of interpersonal relationships. Guanxi is a major mechanism in the Chinese social psychology. Thirdly, Confucianism pays attention on family and group orientation. The fourth factor is the respect of the age and hierarchy. Being a Chinese who needs to show respect to the aged people; for hierarchy, people should does his duty to contribute to social harmony and stability. The fifth factor is harmony first. Confucianism highlighted the need aim for harmony in the whole society by moral conduct in all kinds of relationships. The last factor is face, Confucianism educated the people they all should have a sense of shame in their minds. Face is a fundamental moral mechanism on Chinese way of life. (Fang and Ghauri). Sun Tzus stratagems: which known as Ji or Chinese stratagems, has a huge impact on Chinese strategic business behaviour. Sun Tzus provides Chinese with various kinds of solutions when facing different situations; how to gain psychological and material advantage to achieve ones purpose. Chinese negotiator is often Sun-Tzu-like strategist, seldom wages a physical business war but rather might be keen on a psychological wrestling of wit to create a favourable situation to manipulate his/her counterpart into doing business his/her way. (Fang and Ghauri; Chas.W, 1999). The most popular part of Sun Tzus stratagems is the Thirty-six ancient Chinese stratagems. Agrarian mentalities: China has a large agrarian population fir over 4,000 years. Even during the Cultural Revolution during 1966-1976, millions of students in urban areas were sent to the countryside by Mao Zedong to let them re-educated by the peasants. Even though most of the students went back to the city they still passed their re-educated values gained from countryside to their off springs; which is completely different with western countries. Based on many scholars research, (Tian, 2007; Graham and Lam; Pye, 1992), thrift and endurance are the most outstanding characteristics of the agrarian mindset when Chinese negotiating. So the agrarian mentalities continue to have a big influence on the way of thinking of the Chinese. Political Culture Mao Zedongs bureaucratic heritage and Deng Xiaopings pragmatism are the most important political cultures in China. Mao Zedongs bureaucratic heritage: this political culture based on orthodox Marxist-Leninist ideology with three main features. Firstly, the leader of the party has the biggest power on political and personnel. Secondly, fragmented and stratified bureaucratic agencies. Different ministries, province governments, government departments and agencies bargain and compete with each other over allocation of limited resources. Bureaucrats typically have good skills of bargaining within the system. Thirdly, the art of survival in the bureaucracy was responsibility avoided. The reason for this is how the unique bureaucratic system works. In China, power means everything especially in political, therefore, everyone tried very hard to avoid mistakes so they can stay at the office as usual. Some of them do everything based on orthodox Marxist-Leninist doctrines, some shifting responsibilities onto the others. Deng Xiaopings pragmatism: Deng is the leader of China economy reform which begun with market-oriented economy reform. During the reform period, Deng had to overcome the political barriers left from the previous period. Therefore, Deng promoted a pragmatist ways of thinking within the Party leadership, which has fundamental changed the political beliefs, attitudes, values and feelings of Chinese society at larger ever since. Dengs theory emphasized on practice rather than theory means. Moreover, Deng also promoted that white or black, it is a good cat as long as it catches nice, in his view, as long as China can achieve economic development and modernization, no matter what kinds of the measures are, the measures should be taken. From the above analysis, we can say that China not only has her own traditional culture, but also has her complicated political culture. All of the factors have big impact on Chinese negotiation style. The differences between Chinese negotiation and Americans negotiation Politics influence ¼Ã… ¡Lots of scholars pointed that, China always has a huge negotiation team but with little power on decision-making. (Adair, et al, 2001; Ghauri and Fang). To be specific, this power refers to the negotiation team power. The key reason to this phenomenon is in China, it is hardly to separate business from politics. In the Chinese Communist culture, they think politics is all-pervasive while on the contrast, Americans believe that business and politics should be separated (Pye, 1992). Ghauri and Fang also pointed that, if you want to do business in China, you should pay enough attention to the Chinese government because the government is the biggest boss and Chinese enterprises are just their factories. Chinese economic structure is more centralized while Americans is more open and free. They also indicated foreign firms should be sensitive to the guiding principles of Chinas social and economic development set forth by the Chinese Communist Party and the Chines e government, and also, should make a careful study of the Chinese governments priorities and implementation policies. In the contrast, Americans regard business is business and politics is politics, which are totally different aspects in the negotiation process. Legal Influence: The Chinese consider the interpersonal relationship is more important than legal contract, which is totally different from Americans. As Pye (1992) mentioned, Chinese culture traditionally shuns legal considerations and instead stresses ethical and moralist principles, whereas Americans are thought to be highly legalistic. So historically, Chinese and western cultures has quite different views about the importance of legal process. The Chinese seem to be bound by their tradition non-legalistic practices. Tian (2007) also indicated that, the Chinese negotiators do not pay much attention to legal agreement as western people do. They focus more on interpersonal trust, friendship and guanxi. Some American businessmen argued that they learned that among Chinese it was a traditional way to seal agreements with only the oral commitment, a nod of the head, or a handshake (Pye, 1992). This Chinese negotiation style is closely related to the Confucianism that required people t o appreciate interpersonal relationships rather than laws and legal regulations; and also, it is a reflection of emphasizes on the harmony. In the contrast, Americans consider legal contract is much more persuasive than personal relationship. As Pye (1992) indicated that the majority of American negotiators are lawyers, which means that the Americans consider the contract is the most important part of negotiation. Holistic Thinking: Graham and Lam pointed that; the Chinese always consider the question from a whole picture; however, the Americans think sequentially and individualistically. Chinese negotiators always start negotiations on the general principles first and leave details to the later stages (Tian, 2007). Also, Pye (1992) pointed the Chinese seek agreement on generalities, dwelling on overall considerations, and avoiding specific details as much as possible, leaving, as they like to say concrete arrangements to later negotiations. But the Americans are more in favour of solve problems one by one. Why the Chinese like use this negotiation style? The reason can be considered consistent with Maos bureaucratic heritage; the party leaders always set the general principles and the followers had to agree upon before any details can be discussed. According to Pye (1992) and Tian (2007), some western businessmen argued this as a negotiating ploy. They argued that Chinese negotiators can take advantages of the signed general principles at the later stage of negotiations. This ploy is quite obvious when it comes to the specific details. Assume that both parties were arguing about details while at this moment, Chinese negotiators can attack the other side for not complying with the general principles signed earlier. Therefore this can be called one of the thirty-six stratagems-shut the door to catch the thief. Nevertheless, even the western businessmen consider this as a ploy it still has its advantages. Pye (1992) said that Chinese can quickly turn an agreement on principles into an agreement on goals and then insist that all discussion on concrete arrangement must foster those agree-upon goals. This measure is useful during negotiation process approved by a American: by making each agreement between us move from a more general to a more technical level, the Chinese can constantly argue that what they were insisting upon in operating procedures was logically consistent w ith all that had been agreed to before.they sure taxed out patience and always put us on the defensiveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Information exchange (emotional aspect): the Americans pay more attention on the information exchange during negotiation process; they can accept the discussion as main method to solve the problems, even the discussion is very intensive. In contrast, the Chinese are focusing whether the counter party gives their face or not. In Chinese business culture, ones reputation and social standing rest on saving face. Assume that foreign businessmen cause the Chinese embarrassment or lose face, even unintentionally; it can be disastrous for negotiation process. Moreover, Tian (2007), Ghauri and Fang, found that face is extremely important for Chinese. They argued that if someone gives enough face to the Chinese negotiators, they will behave as a Confucian gentlemen otherwise they will return you back or set block in the negotiation process. Therefore, from this perspective we can see that compared with the Americans, the Chinese are thinking highly of face. Time issue: Americans in favour of fast meeting when negotiation, while the Chinese need much more time to build the trust with counter party before negotiation. The reason is influenced by Confucianism; Chinese only do business with someone they can trust; while trust building is a time-consuming issue. As one Chinese negotiator said they [western firms] want to come and sign the contract quickly and do not know that [if] we do not understand each otherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦there is no business relationship first, we have to know and trust each other, and then we sign the contract!(Ghauri and Fang). Patience: Compared with the Chinese, Americans are more impatient. As long as an initial agreement has been reached, the American negotiators become more than ever impatient for the consummation of a deal, for they tend to assume that the step from general agreement to detailed substantive negotiations should be a short one (Adair et al, 2001). In many cases, the impatience of the Americans is fuelled by the fact that it is not convenient, or economical, to keep their entire negotiating team in China doing nothing (Pye, 1992). For the Chinese, however, this may be the time for substantial delay. The officials who have been talking with the Americans may not have the authority to go further and must wait for the further instructions. The Chinese are also short of expert talent and thus lower officials may have to await the clearing of bottlenecks in their own hierarchies. Also, Chinese cadres often seem genuinely to feel that once there has been an agreement in principle, congratulati ons are in order, and therefore, they are in no hurry to get into the potentially troublesome haggling over details. Negotiation team: the Chinese negotiation team tends to be a large one but indecisive compared with Americans. According to Tian (2007), a western businessman pointed that it is common that lots of people from carious government departments and commissions (such like planning, economic and foreign trade commissions and the like) get involved in the negotiation team. Apart from government officials, some representatives from various departments of the Chinese company are often also invited to participate in the negotiating team, aims for avoid possible non-collaboration in the long term. The feature of the Chinese negotiation style is related to Maos bureaucratic heritage. Economic planning has been playing a key role even after reform since 1978; consequently, fragmented bureaucratic institutions have to maintain control over specific resource, which is even true at the enterprise level. As a Chinese negotiator admitted when it comes to negotiation of a lager project in which various departments are involved, if you do not ask each of these departments to come, they will probably make complaints and wont support your work very much in the futureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦therefore, in order to coordinate our work, we asked every department to send one representative to form our negotiating team (Fang, 1999, p.208, cited by Tian, 2007). Nothing is ever final: Americans hold the view that once the contract being signed, then all the parties should show up the expected behaviour in a fixed time; aims for perform the contract in time. The Chinese seem to have less feeling for the drama of agreement and little expectation that any formalized contract will end the process of negotiations. Lots of western negotiators argued that the Chinese brought up proposals for revising what had been agreed upon, right on the heels of signing a contract. Thus although they are reportedly scrupulous in adhering to agreements, they have no inhibitions in proposing changes. What is more, the Chinese officials do not seem troubled by the thought of suddenly terminating contracts; or in other words, the Chinese do not stick to the contracts as Americans do. As mentioned above, the Americans are more legalistic, but the Chinese think the sudden change or termination of the contract do not have influence on the relationship between the weste rners while this is completely different compared with the Americans. In Americans view, once the agreement being signed, the negotiation process is over while the Chinese always tend to continue the process with continuously new questions (Pye, 1992). Chinese stratagems: The Chinese more likely to use stratagems during the negotiation process, while the Americans always being honest and humorous. Lots of scholars pointed that the Chinese in favour of using stratagems (Ji) during negotiation, which is too hard for them to identify (Tian, 2007; Fang, 2006; Miles, 2003). For example, when Ericson entered China during pre-negotiation stage, the Chinese changed negotiators suddenly, was being regarded as steal the beams and change the pillars, as mentioned above, the Chinese only doing business with the people they can trust with, without solid trust it is hardly for them to be truly honest, therefore they will use stratagems. As one negotiator admitted that they used the stratagems unconsciously but the stratagems occupied more than 10% in the negotiation process. Using stratagems, for the Chinese, is deeply influenced by the traditional Chinese culture. Risk-taking: Americans are the risk-takers compared with the Chinese. They are often prepared to put forward new and innovative ideas, suggestions. This is often done without prior approval from headquarters and represents the risk the head of delegation is prepared to take, in order to reach consensus. This trait is widely recognized and highly respected by other delegations. Compared with the Americans, the Chinese negotiators are more conservative during negotiation, without any back guarantee or the higher direction from the upper level, the Chinese negotiators tend to be very careful, speak and act cautiously (Adler et al, 1992). Price-sensitive: the Chinese are sensitive to price. Lots of foreigner negotiators said that the Chinese often keep asking for lower price during the whole negotiation process. This difference compared with Americans discussed in almost all the influential studies on Chinese negotiation styles. Such like Tian (2007), Pye (1992). This sensitivity closely related to the Chinese agrarian mentalities, which emphasized thrift. It also related to Dengs pragmatism, based on the backward reality of China, which is, the resource is very limited that the Chinese have to pay attention to the cost issue. Moreover, the Chinese would think that we have provided you with a huge market with huge potential profits; you need to give us favour back. The similarities between Chinese negotiation and Americans negotiation Protectionism: some scholars argue that the Chinese always being protective to the local industries, especially for the national key industries, such like IT, telecommunication industry. It is probably the common phenomenon in every country. Lately Huawei, the Chinese telecommunication enterprise wanted entered America but rejected by the national security department for the reason that the telecommunication is a key industry and it also consistent with the national security (Xu, 2011). From this we can see that, no matter China or America, both of them pay special attention to the key industries. Pragmatic: The Americans tend to be very practical, pragmatic ones. They do not interest in high-flown rhetoric or speeches in the negotiation process. As the Chinese, they are very practical people as well. They have the clear purpose when negotiation, which is obtain the favour and reach the win-win result. Conclusion In this essay we mainly analyzed the differences and the similarities of the negotiation style between Chinese and Americans. It is hardly to give a definite conclusion which is better than the other one. But for China, there are four points for them to amend compared with the Americans in the negotiation process in the future. Firstly, the Chinese should learn from the Americans they prefer the legal contract rather than the personal relationships. Since nowadays, China is getting more involved in the world business, facing various kinds of counter negotiation parties, different cultures around the world, the business need to base on the legal contract. It should be seen as a secure for the business. With the rapid development of economic and culture, legal, is becoming a main method to protect the rights and interests between the people, the Chinese should recognize this. Secondly, the huge but indecisive negotiation team should be improved. Due to the unique culture of China burea ucracy, the Chinese negotiation team always bigger than its actual needed. This is a waste of human resource; also, each department of the government should be separate from each other, each performs its own functions, if so, the efficiency of negotiation will be enhanced better. But to achieve this target, it will take a long time and the joint efforts of all departments. Thirdly, the Chinese always behave nothing is ever final even the contract signed already. This is a performance of bad faith; it is harmful for the Chinese to continue doing business with the foreigner partners. In other words, the root cause of this phenomenon is the indifference of Chinese legal concept. For the Americans, they should learn from the Chinese being patient when negotiating, it is easy to make loss due to the decision made when lost impatience.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Things Fall Apart :: essays research papers

Truman Capote was first introduced to the story of the brutal killing of the Clutter family one morning in November of 1959, while flicking through The New York Times, I encountered on a deep inside page, this headline: Wealthy Farmer, 3 of Family Slain? (Capote, 3). He decided to write about the crime committed in Kansas, because ?murder was a theme not likely to darken and yellow with time? (Capote, 3). Capote promptly headed for Kansas, where he spent six years researching, solving, and writing about the unforgivable act. Truman Capote?s In Cold Blood, the final product of his years of research, is a masterfully written account of the cold-blooded murder of the Clutter family in Holcomb, Kansas in 1959. In writing In Cold Blood, Capote presents the blood-curdling story of the brutal killing of the Clutter family in a journalistic style, and is able to exclude his point of view on all of the events; ?The most difficult thing in In Cold Blood is that I never appear in it, but I sol ved it?The whole thing was done from Al Dewey?s point of view? (Newsweek, 60). Because of Capote?s immeasurable talent for writing, he is able to present factual events, just as in a journalistic article, in a style that seems similar to a fiction novel. His focus in In Cold Blood is on the facts of the events which occur before, during, and after the murder of Mr. Clutter; Kenyon, his fifteen year old son; Nancy, his 16 year old daughter; and, Bonnie, his wife. Capote?s emphasis on the facts can be seen through his thorough account of what the murderers, Perry Smith and Dick Hickock, took from the Clutter?s house, which was about thirty dollars from Mr. Clutter?s billfold, some change and a dollar or two? (239) from Mrs. Clutter, a silver dollar from Nancy, and a radio. Added up, Perry and Dick gained ?between forty and fifty dollars? (246) from their visit to the Clutter?s house. As well as being written in a journalistic style, In Cold Blood is written in a documentary style, whi ch switches back and forth from the worlds of the Clutter family, and later of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, to the terrible half-world in which the two murderers live? (McCabe, 561). By writing in the documentary style, Capote is able to be specific about the thoughts, feelings, and actions of all of the characters separately, making each character?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Effects of American Reform Movements in the 1900s :: American America History

The Effects of American Reform Movements in the 1900s Living in the United States of America is all about opportunity. The opportunity to get a good job, make money, and lead a life of good quality; in other words, the opportunity to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. However the opportunity for many people was not around through out the 1800s. Certain groups of people did not hold the basic rights that were guaranteed by the Constitution. In fact, most of the people that had opportunity were the wealthy white men, and few other people ever had any chances to lead a good life. For example, at the end of the 1800s African Americans had some rights, however a lot of their rights were severely limited by laws that were made by the wealthy white men. Also, Native Americans didn’t have any rights at all; they weren’t even considered United States citizens. So how did the United States go from a country that only benefited white men to a land of opportunity for everyone? The answer to this is through reform mov ements. The many reform movements through out United States History as shaped American Society and Culture to what it is today. For example, the Progressive movement saw many laws passed which are still in effect today. Also, without the Civil Rights movements we would still be living in a hypocritical, racist society. In the late 1800’s a group of Americans decided that something needed to be done about the decline of moral and ethical values in most Americans. These people called themselves the progressives and started one of the most comprehensive reform movements in the United States to this day. Progressivism became so widespread that by the end of World War I, anyone who didn’t agree with Progressive ideals was labeled a communist. The Progressives had four major goals that they wished to accomplish. These four goals were to democratize America, to Americanize America, the humanization of capitalism and rationalization of the economy. Each goal dealt with a different aspect of America’s society that the Progressives thought needed help. The way these goals were accomplished was to get laws passed that would reform the practices of many Americans. Progressives held that in order to bring American back to its old time, rural values people would need to attend church m ore.

The American Dream in Hester Street and Eat a Bowel of Tea Essays

Many years ago, people have immigrated to a new world where they can hope for a more beautiful existence, for the wealth, for the freedoms, for the better opportunities and most importantly, for the American Dreams. As each new era of foreigners migrate to America, they face the obstacle of conforming to mainstream America. As â€Å"Hester Street† and â€Å"Eat a Bowl of Tea† portrayed, immigrants come to this land of opportunities with the hopes and dreams of a better life for themselves or their families. In â€Å"Hester Street†, Jake, a Russian Jewish immigrant who lived in New York's Lower East Side for five years, leaving his wife behind, and taking up with a new woman and earning enough money to support his dance hall ways. On the other hand, in â€Å"Eat a bowel of tea†, Wah Gay is a traditional Chinese immigrant who owns a club in Chinatown, and sends all his money to his wife back in China, who he has not seen in 20 years because of the inequitable immigration laws that had prevented Chinamen bringing their women into the country. These immigrants fall within a lower social class, as a result they strive to conform to a more facilitating and suitable lifestyle. As they begin to build a new life in America, they face the process of assimilation. America holds an idea of a mainstream society; consequently those individuals not fitting this image are left with feelings of abandonment and insecurity. As a result, they feel pressured in achieving the American dream. Let’s look at the examples the movies give us. In â€Å"Hester Street†, Jake, a self-made Yankee, has abandoned the traditions of his culture by cutting off his beard and earlocks, and he has adopted the mannerisms of his new country, including a new girlfriend who runs a dance hall. When his wife Gitl and son Yossele join him from the Old World, Jake was embarrassed. He looks down his wife because she retains her religious ways, wearing the wigs and scarves. He even insists on calling their son Joey and trying to modernize them both. Jake is a typical immigrant who wants to be assimilated as soon as possible, once they gain acceptance and recognition, they begin to look down upon the new immigrants coming into the country, sometimes even family members. Its ironic how quickly one forgets the past and repeats history in terms of the mistreatment and hostile hospitality a new immigrant once received. In â€Å"Eat a... ...against foreigners, but the problems of the dislocated immigrants struggling to preserve their culture while adapting to a new one still exist. New immigrants who desire to conform still have to deal with the way they talk, dress, and behave. Most immigrants have attempted to learn the English language, with their accents barely noticeable at times. In addition, they are willing to take any job available to support the family, and they work in many different jobs that are as physically demanding as they are diverse. The American Dream, is about becoming something, to the best way to achieve fulfillment of ones life. The dream is and always has been a reality. The more that Americans and immigrants insist on the dream as a right, and pursue it with determination, the more likely it will be to remain a live option accessible to all. The dream does not originate from America; it derives from us, the people. If we exert all our efforts, we at any moment in American history are more likely to be what the country had intended to become. With that predicament already visible, every advance we make may very well lead to another, and every realization of the American Dream will evolve.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ethnicity and Police Essay

Understanding the usual representation of law enforcement among individuals in a neighborhood provides a meaningful indicator of support for the establishment between his government. Require knowledge of how people as a whole describe the application of law is a critical first step in increasing the connections between police and communities. This is why studies are distinguished ward movement of factors of policing. Furthermore, the rules of public representation of the application of the law can be compared. The production of this representation, establishments can learn if your printing is increasing or decreasing overtime, or if he or she is held in high esteem or lower estimates on people living in a neighborhood compared to other law enforcement in other neighborhoods. General versus specific measures argue that inconsistencies in the enforcement picture revealed in public opinion polls as a result of questioning format. The number of people living in a community that reported a positive law enforcement image presented general questions ranged from 75 % to 80 %. However, the decisive answer about one – sixth one half when individuals were given studies. They have evaluated different universes of meaning and are not just artifacts of meaningless comparisons of these measures. Factors that influence the overall image of the police and some of the causes that determine the overall image of law enforcement. Although it is unfinished several factors believed to influence the overall image are factors other than law enforcement people looked not over yet.One of the most compelling discussions on the general image of law enforcement is the way it is determined by the final result. Law enforcement makes, for example, control of crime, and enforcement methods used to create those results with equity and other views of the methods of enforcement. The processes are discussed further in the remainder of this paper, but the focus is on three types of power in the general image of the police: distinctive personal traits of people living in a neighborhood when asked to make a assessment , the nature of the contract that citizens have recently had with the police, and the media portrays of law enforcement and serious offenders. One of the most current findings of opinion polls about law enforcement is white individuals are happier with the police than other breeds. This information has been used for the past 40 years, leaving dozens of surveys in the United States and in other areas. An example of people living in a neighborhood are satisfied with law enforcement in 12 different areas. In fact , this information was retrieved by the Bureau of Justice Statistics , in 1998 , 90 % of whites were satisfied with law enforcement compared with 76% of African Americans and other races. In addition, Wisconsin 97 % of whites were happy with the police, while 91 % of African Americans were satisfied with the implementation of the law. Much of the data shows a positive relationship between age and attitude toward law enforcement. People under 18 who show less satisfaction with the police than adults. In a survey has not been reported for adolescents, insinuates that age can make a difference when older individuals compared to adolescents. However, this is only based on a survey conducted in a city, and another study reported that older people had a less favorable attitude towards the law enforcement adolescents. In other words, a teen does not mind the age of the adults, but decreases satisfaction and increases with age adolescents. The ratio of male or female satisfaction with the implementation of the law is not clear. Two surveys found that males have a more positive attitude concerning women just law enforcement. However, another study found that, as the male or female gender made no difference. Therefore, these two conflicting studies on gender does not make a big difference when it comes to law enforcement, but men are known to have a much better attitude toward law enforcement than women. Other influences such as color, what age is a man or woman are more familiar distinctive hesitate to police. However, many researchers found that people living in the middle class areas have a better attitude with the police. In fact, people who use scientific methods do not check that differences are different. There are two different aspects of influences. One is that people have different and distinctive relationships with law enforcement characteristics. Teenagers are more likely to be impartial because of  constant arrested, searched, given an input, placed under arrest, and given a warning over elderly. Two people coming from different backgrounds have different views on law enforcement and different ways to view events. Blacks and whites descriptions are similar, but African Americans have more selfish motives to the police for the reason African Americans are known to live in the slums and poor areas where violent crimes occur. Was to found people living in an area qualifies the process more generally, and seem to be more satisfied with the police, but . However, they found different demeanors are stronger when it comes to judges, lawyers, the courts and the legal system. Behavior towards the police are also related to the degree of participation in the political system. From the information mentioned herein are black people or white both have similar but different views of law enforcement based on the individual near also puts a live different perspective of how each race application views of the law, because African Americans are known to live in the slums and poor areas compared with white individuals living in areas of high middle class. Age also has some aspects in this because adolescents are compared to older adults. None of them should make a difference all people should be treated equally, regardless of race, gender, age and the district he or she resides and application of the law must be respected. In conclusion, there are several factors that are mentioned in this document illustrating African Americans and whites and how these two races are law enforcement. Age, gender, race, social statutes, economic, neighborhood effects and other influences play an important role in how individuals look to law enforcement. However, in some cases, African Americans are stopped, searched, cited, arrested, and given warning over elderly. Therefore, one can say that, under the law there is a difference in how it treats individuals. References Brown, K. & Coulter, P.B. (1983, January – February) ‘’Subjective and Objective Measures of Police Delivery† Public Administration Review, Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. (1999). Criminal Victimization and Perceptions of Policing, 22 Hindeland, R.J. (1994) â€Å"Citizens Preference and Perceptions Concerning Police Pursuit Policies† Journal of Criminal Justice 22 ()

Friday, August 16, 2019

Comparing The Kite Runner and Angelas Ashes Essay

Depression cause a down fall on a person’s emotion. This is easy to understand in the novels Angela’s Ashes and The Kite Runner. In these two stories a person will encounter with the feelings of abandonment and death. In the kite runner Amir was depressed that he and baba had to leave Kabul. He was wondering if he was going to forget his homeland along the line. He mentioned, â€Å"I only knew the memory lived in me a perfectly encapsulated morsel of a good past a brush stroke of color on the gray, barren canvas that our life had become † The Russians invaded Afghanistan so baba and Amir had to leave to find safety. It was very hard for them to leave their homeland and go to Africa. They had to leave all their belongings and life behind n start fresh in a different country. In Angela’s Ashes Angela’s family McCourt’s they saw they were living in poor conditions .Angela’s mother sent money so they al could board a ship to Ireland and start new and leave America behind. They left Brooklyn behind for nothing because when they got to Ireland the living conditions stayed the same. Malachy spends all of his money at the bars and he always shows u to work drunk. Now there are no more jobs in Ireland so he has to abandon his family and go to England to get a job there. Amir from The Kite Runner went back to Afghanistan to visit Rahim Khan because he was very sick. While he was telling him about his family he asked about Hassan so Rahim had to tell him the he got murdered by Taliban. Amir had lots of things going threw his head. He regrets not being in touch with him band for not sticking up h imp years ago. Baba became sick with cancer and he dint want any treatment, he wisent scared to die he knew he lived his life with many accomplishments. Amir father also died now he had no one to get help from when he need guidance. There were many deaths in Angela’s Ashes. When Margret was born Malachy was able to bring food home. It was his only daughter and he was very happy, but when she died everything turned to the worst. Later Oliver one of the twins died. They dialed with many deaths in their family but every time it was harder, Oliver’s death caused depression in the family. The Kite Runner and Angela’s ashes have related themes, the theme of depression stands out, threw the loss of their loved ones, and abandoning their home land these two novels show different events that took in different parts of the world that made people depressed.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Leading Change

â€Å"The harder you push, the harder the system pushes back† is the 2nd law in The Laws of the Fifth Discipline.   These laws are the core of a process called systems thinking and the concept is that it’s â€Å"best to manage the system, not just the individual processes.†Ã‚   (West & Cianfrani, 2004, p. 69)   Corporations have a tendency to look at the â€Å"direct linear cause and effect relationships,† rather than looking at â€Å"interactions.†Ã‚   (West & Cianfrani, 2004, p. 69)   Peter Senge’s book The Fifth Discipline identified 10 laws that defined systems thinking. The 2nd law in The Laws of the Fifth Discipline can be interpreted as â€Å"Compensating feedback.†Ã‚   Senge defines this as â€Å"when well-intentioned interventions call forth responses from the system that offset the benefits of the intervention.†Ã‚   (Senge, 1990, p. 58) In other words, the more effort exerted to change or improve the current organizational processes, the more effort it requires. Organizations have experienced this process when, for example, a product or brand suddenly begins to lose its popularity within the market.   When organizations begin to push new marketing strategies aggressively it often turns out that more revenue is spent on the marketing efforts with only a temporary pay back.   This process is not only limited to the business market, it can also be illustrated in personal experiences.   Senge uses the smoker as an example – if a person who is a regular smoker suddenly quits he or she might begin to gain weight, become frustrated with personal appearance and then suddenly begin smoking again.   (Senge, 1990, p. 59) As humans it is natural for us to get drawn into the process of compensating feedback.   We push harder and it’s exhausting and we often â€Å"glorify the suffering that ensues.†Ã‚   (Senge, 1990, p. 59)   When our efforts to produce change fail initially, we push harder and often have the belief that our hard work and effort will overcome all of the obstacles in front of us. However, compensating feedback is a process where we become blind to the fact that our efforts are actually contributing to the current obstacles we are facing as well as creating others we must overcome. (Senge, 1990, p. 59-60) Over the past two decades information and communication technology has continuously evolved and has empowered small businesses and large corporations with new emerging markets and tools.   The Internet has become the information highway and has impacted both social and economic relationships in various sectors such as education, health, government, trade and tourism.   (Waddell & Singh, 2003, p. vii) In order to maintain its impact on society the information technology must continuously evolve to compensate for future needs for both local and global societies.   (Waddell & Singh, 2003, p. VI)   Focusing on one idea or concept that does not elicit long-term success consumes time and effort that is imperative to online success. The consistent evolution of technology and the platforms provided are numerous and are impacting our society regularly.   These newly emerging technologies affect the way we do business, communicate with others, daily entertainment, study and do research.   (Waddell & Singh, 2003, p. VI)   Ecommerce is the largest growing platform of the World Wide Web and it has provided a â€Å"new momentum of doing business in the digital economy.†Ã‚   (Waddell & Singh, 2003, p. VI) In order to compensate and adjust to the constant change through the internet environment we must be able to identify the implications. At the end of 2004 it was estimated that 750 million users represented the Internet community worldwide.   (Waddell & Singh, 2003, p. VI) The e-marketplaces consist of various products and services that market their products both from Business to Business and Business to consumer.   These products and services provide value for both buyers and sellers. In order to create a successful ecommerce venture processes must be transformed from the traditional ways of doing business to modern Internet transactions that are efficient to both the buyer and the seller.   The biggest challenge for internet businesses is adapting to the virtual environment and integrating their current business processes into the e-marketplace. (Waddell & Singh, 2003, p. 97) The Internet environment has its benefits as well as disadvantages, or threats.   On a local business level it immediately provides â€Å"easy and fast entrance to new markets,† 24/7 business hours, less physical structure maintenance, and the possibility of sales increasing.   (Waddell & Singh, 2003, p. 99) For buyers this offers more selection of products and services, 24/7 business access and easy comparison between the various seller’s offers.     (Waddell & Singh, 2003, p. 99) Threats for businesses as a whole are the loss of direct customer face to face relationships, increased competition and the extra funds required for consistent upgrading of products and platforms.   (Waddell & Singh, 2003, p. 99)   For buyers there is the same lack of direct face to face relationships, the unknown reliability of the seller and lack of trust in products and services.   (Waddell & Singh, 2003, p. 99) E-commerce is about â€Å"rediscovering the individuality of the customers and their needs, and the creation of frictionless modes of commercial interaction with them.†Ã‚  Ã‚   (May, 2000, p. 4)   Businesses must approach change in an internet environment carefully, as in the traditional business model the direct interaction allows the consumer to feel important.   Ecommerce does not provide the close interaction; therefore it is imperative that the online business practices allow the consumer to feel like a person, not a type.   (May, 2000, p. 5) A great example of ecommerce success is   This company has proven its ability to implement change and business growth without affecting its customer base or falling behind the competition.   The vision of the â€Å"Earth’s biggest bookstore† (May, 2000, p. 52) was to offer a range and large quantity of products that would dominate traditional booksellers and to â€Å"achieve market ubiquity without acquiring retail real estate.†Ã‚   (May, 2000, p. 52) Jeff Bezos identified books as an ideal product for selling online because the number of books the traditional bookseller could offer was limited; therefore, if these products were offered online the number available would be unlimited.   In a sense the book trade has always been â€Å"virtual† – any customer can enter a traditional bookstore and order any book in print. brought a new online concept to the book trade and improved the efficiency of a traditional process.   However, though this insight was extraordinary introducing the concept into the ecommerce marketplace meant that consistent change was necessary and that customers must receive the same attention and personal relationships currently experienced in the traditional environment.   (May, 2000, p. 53-54) In order to change the ecommerce impersonal environment had to introduce a new strategy into maintaining and increasing its customer base.   Changing the internet environment is not a simple display creation or the addition of a personable salesperson to physically approach customers. had to approach this change with a technology based solution that offered a personal approach to its customers.   The applications Amazon implemented offered their customers a positive experience. Customers are now able to access their portfolios at any time and without interaction with a sales representative.   These portfolios are personalized and address customers on a first name basis, provide purchase history and even suggest similar titles that might be of interest to the customers.   This change provided a personal touch, saved Amazon on staff time and clearly benefits the customer.   (May, 2000, p. 54) Rick Berry, CEO of, an Internet-Based procurement business, describes leading an e-commerce business as â€Å"driving a Ferrari with a cinderblock on the accelerator.†Ã‚   (Pandya, 2004)   This fast-paced environment requires consistent change, as â€Å"E-Procurement is a $10 trillion market worldwide.†Ã‚   (Pandya, 2004) Berry states that building a procurement business in the traditional sense would take at least 10 years to become successful; however within the internet environment they are making an attempt to establish credibility within six months.   Their goal is â€Å"to grab a chunk of that market before the competition moves in.†Ã‚   (Pandya, 2004) Berry believes that talent is what businesses require to provide effective leadership and the ability to change quickly within Internet based businesses.   Leadership must have the ability to â€Å"attract teams of talented risk-takers.†Ã‚   (Pandya, 2004)  Ã‚   The speed of the working environment in an e-commerce structure means that very little time is available to train staff; therefore leaders of e-commerce ventures â€Å"must strive to create a specific type of work culture† that is high-energy and results-oriented.   (Pandya, 2004) Because little time is allowed for training and communication in an internet environment is more direct than others, changing the actions of others as well as effectively communicating the vision of change is difficult.   â€Å"You communicate directly, and you must build a team that can cope with that.†Ã‚   (Pandya, 2004) If an internet company is to be successful it must begin with establishing a visionary culture with the ability to attract and retain talented staff.   Talented staff members have the ability to effectively introduce change within the internet environment effectively and without disrupting business flow. David Perry, founder of Chemdex says that creating a successful business with the ability to adapt to the constant change of the internet environment is â€Å"raising money, so you can hire good people, so you can make and sell good products, so you can raise more money.†Ã‚   (Pandya, 2004)   These staff members must be â€Å"enthusiastic, passionate and share the organization’s values.†Ã‚   (Pandya, 2004) In his article titled The True Value of Change Management, George Spafford quotes â€Å"The only constant is change.†Ã‚   (Spafford, 2005)   He believes that many IT organizations â€Å"lack a fundamental understanding of the need to manage change† and that these organizations feel that change management stops at budgetary planning. When introducing change into the internet environment organizations must understand that this process has huge impacts on business operations – the more complex the change is within the system the â€Å"effective change management processes† increase.   (Spafford, 2005)   As most change within the internet environment is technology based, it’s imperative to know that 80% of security breaches have been caused by human error. (Spafford, 2005) Potential solutions in technology have three parts â€Å"people, technology and process.†Ã‚   (Spafford, 2005)   Most organizations have processes in place where change requests are â€Å"submitted, reviewed, planned tested, scheduled and then implemented.† (Spafford, 2005)   The procedures are put into place to ensure that proper thought and planning have been applied and the implications assessed before introducing it within the business structure. Spafford believes that many organizations lack the resources to implement change and that many simply give up once the implications have surfaced with unsuccessful results.   He believes that companies must learn from their mistakes and work continuously to improve and implement future successes.   Developing one simple model of change in an internet environment can also be devastating.   â€Å"The point is to be flexible, keep costs down and remain responsive, adopting multiple change models.†Ã‚   (Spafford, 2005) The ability to manage change within the internet environment will always be a challenge for organizations.   Effective leadership is the key to any organization’s success as well as leadership’s ability to attract talented staff members who are constantly looking to the future, rather than traditional one-sided ideas. Technology is constantly evolving and introducing new competitive strategies into the ecommerce marketplace and little time is available to adapt to the competition.   Looking back at The Laws of the Fifth Discipline, â€Å"The harder you push, the harder the system pushes back† we see that it’s imperative to remain open-minded and constantly looking to the future where new concepts and ideas will introduce positive changes to the Internet environment. References May, P. (2000). The Business of Ecommerce: From Corporate Strategy to Technology. New York, New York: Cambridge University. Pandya, M. (2004). Center for Leadership and Change Management:   Leadership in E-Commerce:   What does it Take to Lead an E-Commerce Venture? Retrieved from Senge, P. M. (1990). The Fifth Discipline. New York, New York: Doubleday Dell Publishing Group. Spafford, G. (2005, August 15). Datamation:   The True Value of Change Management. Retrieved from Waddell, D., & Singh, M. (2003). E-Business Innovation and Change Management. London: Idea Group Inc (IGI). West, J., & Cianfrani, C. A. (2004). Unlocking the Power of Your Qms: Keys to Business Performance Improvement. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: American Society for.          Leading Change Introduction Intense global competition, rapid technological change, and international capital markets are creating more demand for change leadership than at perhaps any other time in history. These forces, combined with the complexity of new and more global organizational forms that span nations and unite organizations through alliances, joint ventures, and mergers and acquisitions, make the job of leadership increasingly difficult. No wonder it is popular to suggest that leadership is in short supply in most organizations. Moreover, we have a limited understanding of the role that leaders should play in making effective change a reality. This is the motivation for this essay. In the pages that follow, I discuss how leaders can help organizations change to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.Body of the Essay It is one thing to argue that organizations need to reinvent themselves and develop new, more effective approaches to organizing, and quite another to accomplish it . Large-scale organizational transformation is, at best, a developing art that has yet to produce any clear formulas for success, but more and more attention is being turned to executives as the principle agents of change and adaptation. It is increasingly common to assume that leadership plays the crucial role in an organization's successful adaptation to a changing world. Companies are paying record compensation to attract the best and brightest executive talent to lead them safely through today's turbulent business environment. Many boards and executive recruiters assume that there exists an elite corps of individuals who possess leadership skills that have almost universal application.The subject of leadership and organization change is embedded deeply in the lexicon and discourse of business executives, management consultants, and organizational scholars. Business periodicals, the trade press, and academic publications are brimming with information and knowledge about leading o rganization change. Widespread attention to leading change is largely a reflection of the times. Fueled by unprecedented changes in technologies, markets, and economies, organizations are experiencing rapidly changing environments and enormous competitive pressures. Responses to these challenges are resulting in a virtual revolution in new organizational forms and systems. Organizations are increasingly seeking to transform themselves to become more adaptable and competitive, with leaner, more flexible structures, more empowered and committed employees, and more performance-driven human resource practices. (Lawler et al., 1995)As organizations strive to implement these innovations, they discover that change is incredibly arduous, requiring a great deal of expertise, resources, and luck. The sheer difficulty of transforming organizations is evident in their enormous inertial qualities as well as the scope and magnitude of the required changes. Organization transformation typically in volves radical changes in strategy and structure, in work practices and methods, and in members' perceptions, norms, and work behaviors. As many observers have pointed out, because transformational change involves the total organization including strategic relationships with the competitive environment, top leaders or CEOs need to lead the change process and are essential to its success. (Tichy & Devanna, 1986; Greiner & Bhambri, 1989; Nadler, 1997)â€Å"The Harder You Push, The Harder The System Pushes Back† Any organization has its own corporate culture and the employees in all hierarchies are accustomed to that particular culture. Bringing about any change at any level is bound to shake the status quo and bring in an element of disturbance within the smooth functioning of the organization. Keeping that in mind, the change leader has to be extremely careful in doing the job and allowing ample space and time for the employees and other variables to adjust to the change being brought about. If the change process is accelerated too much and transformation is imposed hard on the people and the system as a whole, it will result in increased resistance from the system and mounting difficulties in the process of change.â€Å"Change involves moving from the known to the unknown (Cummins/Worley, 1993). Because the future is uncertain and may adversely affect people’s competencies, worth, and coping abilities, organizational members generally do not support change, unless compelling reasons convince them to do so. Similarly, organizations tend to be heavily invested in the status quo, and they resist changing it in the face of uncertain future benefits. Consequently, a key issue in planning for action is how to motivate commitment to organizational change, such as Business Reengineering. This requires management attention to two related tasks: creating readiness for change and overcoming resistance to change.† c an be made ready to accept and contribute towards change once they themselves get to feel the need for change. This means making people so discontented with the status quo that they are provoked to try new ways of performing. Generating such discontent can be to a certain extent difficult. People who have been functioning and behaving in ways that have become norms for them now, may find it difficult to the level of hurt, prior to their undertaking the change seriously. In a situation as sensitive as such, the change has to be led very cautiously providing room for delay. The many issues related to change leadership could be structured around multiple themes. They include leader behaviors for effective change, sources of change, different change strategies, whether leadership really matters, and the development of change leaders.Most leadership scholars emphasize the importance of developing a vision or direction as the first step in leading change. This direction is critical in mak ing sure that everyone is moving in the same direction. It is, however, an open question whether a vision is really necessary for leading change. A key issue, particularly in the literature on charismatic leadership, is how to create a sense of empowerment and ownership for employees.One argument is that this requires giving employees the autonomy to determine appropriate means for implementing the vision. (Conger, 1989) Prior research has shown that employees are most motivated when they have the freedom to determine what works best given their talents and skills. (Spreitzer et al., 1997) However, in order for such autonomy to work employees must have access to the resources necessary for implementation and to information about the competition and the financial situation of their organization; without these they are likely to feel helpless in bringing about change. Also, rewards may be particularly helpful in building a sense of ownership. (Lawler, 1986)Leaders in crisis organizati ons facing a revitalization challenge must devote considerable effort at the front end of their transformation to the creation of resources. Individuals' resistance to change builds in direct proportion to the magnitude of the gap they perceive between the level of effort expected of them as part of the transformation process and the resources available to get the job done. Often this initial resource-generating step involves closing and consolidating peripheral or under-performing operations, trimming employee payrolls, reducing corporate staff overhead expenses, and suspending or deferring programs so that current operations can generate more cash to be redeployed to the launch of the corporate transformation process. Leaders attempting to revitalize their organizations also need to seek new external resources as they launch their transformation process.For example, at General Electric during the early 1980s under Jack Welch, the creation of slack resources was not so much a probl em as was the reallocation of existing resources to the corporate transformation effort. So the initial transformation issue was less one of resource creation than one of resource reallocation. Businesses that did not fit the vision had to fix, sell, or close themselves, and resources that would otherwise be consumed by these ill-fitting businesses were reallocated to enhance productivity and automation initiatives and to fuel capital investments in businesses that offered greater promise for achieving Welch's lofty vision of being first or second in their chosen global markets. (Aguilar et al., 1985)It might be argued that the key role for the leader is setting context; he or she must create a culture that embraces the importance of change. The leader then needs to create an organization structure that will support the new vision. This might, for example, involve a team-based design to reduce centralization, hierarchy, and bureaucratization. The leader must select and hire top-notc h people who have the skills necessary to bring the new vision to actuality. If the vision involves globalization, for example, this might involve hiring or promoting people who have international experience. The leader must also create a reward system that encourages behaviors appropriate for the new vision. For example, if the vision requires more focus on the customer, then employees must be rewarded for actions that improve customer satisfaction. In other words, the leader's most important role may be to devise an organization that sustains the vision.Implications For Change In An Internet Environment Sebastian  and Samuel  (2004) â€Å"explore the challenge that technology will deliver to management at both the tactical and strategic level. Changes in communication, content of communication, globalization of communication, are critical to these changes. The environment will support a greater degree of discontinuities in planning which is brought about by the globalization of management activities. Successful management must encompass the management of these discontinuities but use information in an artificial intelligence environment. The integration of these data and the actions that come from that integration must be understood within a moral framework.† (Sebastian  & Samuel, 2004)In the present era of technological innovation and globalization, when the world’s business is coming closer to work as a network, when the logistics are being designed in a way that encompass the ever so easy access of technology, communication and information, when a single business is catering to the markets around the globe, the changes within the organization become more important than those ever were. It is the international culture that the employees have to work in, the greater than ever expansion plans and newer and faster service demands that they have to attend to. All these developments and enhancements come as part and result of the Internet en vironment in which virtually all businesses are operating these days.ConclusionLeading change in such circumstances become an even more demanding and challenging of a task for the managers or leaders. As the trade of goods and services around the world is getting faster and easier, the need for as fast a change continues. However as mentioned in the preceding pages that such changes cannot be brought overnight, nor can those be imposed or pushed hard on the individuals. The system pushes back even harder and poses even more resistance to the change. Instead, the vision once established has to be communicated to the people properly, make them ready for the change by suitably establishing the loopholes of the current state and furnish the future expectations of being technologically sound and equipped.ReferencesAguilar, F. J., Hamermesh, R. G., and Brainard, C. General Electric, 1984. 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